Study on the Doppler Method to Detect Metal Fault | Chapter 4 | Advances and Trends in Physical Science Research Vol. 2


The study deals with the interaction of ultrasound with metals discovered an unusual phenomenon. Microwave sensor indicates fluctuations of electric surface conductivity when exposed to elastic ultrasonic vibrations in metal objects. The defective area is by a content of microdefects of the type “the mouth of the cracks”. They are known as the field of “acoustic activity” the method of Acoustic Emission (AE). The high coefficient of phase modulation of the reflected field allows you to indicate the Doppler signal is useful for 6–30 dB over the noise from a distance of 70–180 mm. The phenomenon is called “of Gorbunov effect”. It has been successfully used as remote non-destructive testing method is ultrasonic methods of flaw detection, acoustic emission. A semiconductor detector responds to the amount of incident and reflected waves, registering the change in reflection coefficient. When injected into the area of the surface that differ in conductivity from the previous one can identify cracks the size of a quarter wavelength. It has been successfully used as remote non-destructive testing method that replaces the ultrasonic methods of flaw detection, acoustic emission. While testing a fragment of the steam-pipe destroyed during operation due to flooding, our device allowed to indicate these defects when the external surface of the steam pipe is excited by ultrasound. The microwave sensor at this time irradiated the outside surface of the steam. Rrevealing that the new device is able to reconsider the defectoscopy of the inne-surface of the steam pipe by chemical etching method of the inner-surface with scrutinizing by a contrast agent, a microscope, an x-ray flaw detector.

Another version of the test of the new device relates to the indication of the quality ofzirconium tubes (used for heat Emitting Elements (TVEL) in thermal nuclear power plants). Result revealed that the manufactured tubes should be rejected due to the appearance of “punctures”, “sticking”, scratches, micro-cracks. All these defects can be determined by optical methods using special microscopes with electronic video recording, software. The time taken for this study takes up to ten minutes. The device, reveals the defects in 2–3 seconds.

Research work on the new device continues. The new results are significantly different (in a positive way) from the results of ultrasonic flaw detection, acoustic emission method, which use contact sensors, immersion lubrication. Noticing the contact of the generators of the ultrasound in the new device to the laser generators will let you create a fully remote device.

Biography of author(s)

Kapranov Boris
Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia.

Sutorikhin Vladimir
Remote Indicators of Active Defects Ltd., Tomsk, Russia.

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Advances and Trends in Physical Science Research

This book series covers key areas of Physics, Chemistry, Material Science, Astronomy, Natural Science, Earth Sciences and other related fields.