Traditional Institutions Management: A Case Study of Pasturist Conflicts in Borno State, Nigeria | Chapter 03 | Current Perspective to Economics and Management Vol. 2


The study was conducted to assess the traditional institutions management: a case study of Pasturist conflict in three selected Local Government Areas (Damboa, Jere and Magumeri LGAs) of Borno state, Nigeria. Muti-stage sampling technique was used to select 225 sample size respondents which include farmers (150) and herders (75) respectively. A structured questionnaire and interview schedule were used to collect data for this study which was analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) and PRA (Pair wise Ranking) tool. The results revealed that (89.3%) of the respondents are of the opinion that, the most preferred strategies for managing conflicts between farmers and herders in the study area are the traditional institutions. Results in Table 2 shows that the farmers ranked the resolution of conflict through the payment of compensation as the first while the herders (Table 3) ranked it second. However, the study recommend that the traditional rulers in conjunction with all the stakeholders at the village level should maintain routine or annual meetings with farmers and herders for the avoidance of conflict between the farmers and herders in the area. Also, traditional institutions should be strengthen through constitutional amendment, thus, to return their power to adjudicate conflict in the rural areas which had been taken away by the 1976 Local Government Reform. The study found that there are existing traditional institutions which are attempting to manage this conflict. The respondents expressed their satisfaction with the performance of the traditional institutions in managing the conflicts between farmers and herders in the localities. However, the results revealed that majority (89.3%) of the respondents are of the opinion that, the most preferred strategies for managing conflicts between farmers and herders in the study area are the traditional institutions. More so, the farmers ranked the resolution of conflict through the payment of compensation as the first, while the herders ranked it second.

Author(s) Details

Makinta, Maina Mohammed
Department of Agriculture, Damboa Local Government, Damboa, Borno State, Nigeria.

Hamisu, Sa’adu
Department of Crop Production Technology, College of Agriculture, P.M.B. 1018, Zuru, Kebbi State, Nigeria.

Prof Bello, Umar Faruk
Department of Agricultural Extension & Rural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria.

Umar, Sa’adu
Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Kebbi State University of Science & Technology Aliero, Nigeria.

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Current Perspective to Economics and Management

This book dealt with key areas of Economics & Management. The contributions by the authors include Retail formats; consumer behaviour; Consumer Packaged Goods