Analysis of Wire Rope 33X6X19S Behavior Using Modeling 3D (CAD) with Numerical Simulation | Chapter 09 | Current Research in Science and Technology Vol. 3


This paper analyzes the behavior of the steel wire rope “33x6x19s” using numerical simulation through CAD (3D modeling) and CAE (Finite Element) tools. The study focuses on the deformation of the wire, specifically the elongation and normal stress and shear stress inside the wire rope where it is not possible to visually check.

The paper will first discuss how the mathematical model of the complete wire rope is established. The wire rope has a complex geometric helix shape, as some wires may be straight, simple or double helix. Due to this complex shape, it was necessary to utilize the tool PTC Creo Parametric™ (Pro/ENGINER).

For the analysis of traction and friction effects in the cables core, the FEM Abaqus/CAE™ software was used.

By comparing the results from the analytical equation of wire rope elongation with the results from numerical simulation, excellent results were obtained. These results demonstrate that the modeling and simulation performed are reliable.

Author(s) Details

César A. Chagoyen Méndez
Dpto. de Ing. Mecánica, Facultad de Ing. Mecánica e Industrial, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas, UCLV, Carretera a Camajuaní, Km 5½, CP 50100, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba.

Antonio Illana Martos
Dpto. Ing, Industrial e Ing, Civil, Universidad de Cádiz, Escuela Politécnica Superior de Algeciras, Algeciras, Spain.

Manoli Vilchez Vilchez
Dpto. de Mantenimiento, Total Terminal International Algeciras S.A.U. (TTI Algeciras), Hanjin Shipping, Algeciras, Spain.

Constantina Álvarez Peña
Universidad de Oviedo, Campus de Viesques. Dpto. Ing. Eléctrica, — Bloque 3.1.10 — (33204), Gijón — Asturias, Spain.

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Current Research in Science and Technology

This book covers all areas of science and technology. The contributions by the authors include information and communication technologies, digital photography