Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Mo (VI) and the Effect of Anions, Complexing and Salting — Out Agents Using 4-Adipoyl and 4-Sebacoyl Derivatives of Bis (1-Phenyl-3-methylpyrazolone-5) | Chapter 05 | Theory and Applications of Chemistry Vol. 1


Liquid –liquid extraction of Molybdenum (VI) ions from various aqueous medium have been carried outusing chloroform solution of 4­adipoylbis (1­phenyl­3­methylpyrazolone­5), H2Adp and 4­sebacoylbis (1­phenyl­3­methylpyrazolone­5), H2SP in acid media (HCl, H2SO4and HNO3) in the presence and absence of butanol as a synergist and also in the presence of the corresponding acids (HCl and H2SO4). Optimal extraction was better in HClfollowed by HNO3and least in H2SO4concentrations. Introduction of butanol into the organic phase resulted in enhanced extraction of Mo(VI) to above 98% using both ligands in all three acid media for both H2Adp and H2SP. Statistical treatment using slopeanalysis show that the extracted specie is MOO2 (SP)(o)and MOO2(Adp)(o).The effect of the anions, Cl­, SO42­, Br­, I­, SCN­, PO43­, EDTA, Oxalate, acetate and tartarate on the extraction of Mo (VI) into chloroform solutions of 4­adipoylbis (1­phenyl­3methylpyrazolone­5), H2Adp and 4­sebacoylbis (1­phenyl­3­methylpyrazolone­5), H2SP were studied. The results showed that the masking effect of the halides on the extraction of Mo (VI) followed the increasingly order Cl­<Br­<I­. The trend follows the direction of decrease in electro negativity. Similarly, the extraction of Mo(IV) is increasingly masked with increase in concentration of the complexing agents, decreasing the % extraction from as high as 60% extraction at 10­3M ligand concentration to as low as10% at 1M ligand concentration. The extraction of the metal is greatly enhanced in the presence of their corresponding acid solution by increasing the extraction by as high as 10­40% and also in the presence of butanol. Under all conditions, H2SP showed to be a better extractant than H2Adp. The effect of complexing agents such as, PO43­, acetate, EDTA, oxalate and tartarate on the extraction of Mo (VI) ions appears to be fairly constant for both H2Adp and H2SP. The results obtained show that extractions of these metals are increasingly masked as anion concentration increase in the aqueous phase.

Author(s) Details

Dr. Ihesinachi Kalagbor
Department of Science Laboratory Technology Rivers State Polytechnic, Bori P.M.B 20, Nigeria

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Theory and Applications of Chemistry

This book covers key areas of chemistry and other related fields. The contributions by the authors include activated carbon, waste water treatment