
4 min readMay 13, 2023


The story of Broke pepe

Welcome to the crypto gala, where the rich Pepes are popping champagne bottles in their moon yachts, and Broke Pepe, well, he’s trading bottle caps in a back alley. If life’s a party, Broke Pepe’s stuck cleaning up after.

There he sits, in the shadows of the bear market, a ghost in the grand crypto masquerade. He was like a forgotten private key in the vast blockchain, visible to all but accessible to none. Living off ramen dreams and instant coffee reality, he was a living ICO — an Initial Coin Outcast.

Pockets empty, and socks crusty, Broke Pepe had an epiphany, “If I can’t be rich, maybe we can all be poor?”

If he couldn’t join the crypto elite, he would create a world where the broke, the late, and the overlooked could come together. A world where the rich get richer, and the poor… well, they stay poor.

Broke Pepe Token: A Shambolic Masterpiece

Broke Pepe Token is the thrift store of crypto, a token even a mother would find hard to love. It’s the crypto relic for those who stumbled into the party after the music died, the snacks devoured, and all that was left were the stains of pump and dumps.

Crafted to favor the rich and punish the poor. The more tokens you hold, the less tax you pay, while the small bags get eaten alive by taxes. It’s a cruel world out there, and Broke Pepe is here to make sure you feel the sting.

The Tax Class System: A Comedy of Tragedy

To ensure that Broke Pepe Token stays true to its miserable roots, we’ve introduced a tiered tax system that will leave you questioning your life choices. The more tokens you hold, the less tax you pay. Conversely, the less you hold, the more you’re taxed. Here’s the breakdown:

  1. Poors (50,000,000 $BPP or less) — You’re the bottom of the barrel, the crust on the crypto sandwich. Expect to pay the highest tax rates, with every transaction chipping away at your dignity.
  2. Borderline (50,000,000 $BPP — 500,000,000) — You’re not quite as pathetic, but still a far cry from the high life. Taxes are lower, but don’t get too comfortable; you’re still a long way from sipping champagne on the moon.
  3. Middle Class (500,000,000 $BPP — 900,000,000) — Congratulations, you’ve made it to crypto mediocrity! Taxes are lower, but you’re still not rubbing elbows with the big shots. Keep hodling, or prepare for a life of lukewarm leftovers.
  4. Upper Class (900,000,000–1.5 Billion $BPP) — You’re the cream of the crop, the diamond in the rough. Taxes are minimal, but beware, for true riches lie just beyond your grasp.
  5. The Rich (above 1.5 Billion $BPP) — Ah, the elite. Taxes? What taxes? You’re practically dining with the whales, basking in the glory of your vast fortune. Enjoy the fruits of your labor, and don’t forget to laugh at the poor souls below.

By incorporating this tiered tax system, Broke Pepe Token aims to remind everyone that life isn’t fair, especially in the world of crypto. So, buckle up and embrace the pain, because Broke Pepe Token is here to make you question everything you thought you knew about success.

Tokenomics : A Masterclass in Misery

60% into the liquidity pool : For those who like swimming with sharks
20% for staking rewards: Dangle the carrot, and they’ll work forever. But it’s probably rotten anyway tbh
10% for Team: We need some motivation for this abomination.
7% for Marketing: Those self-deprecating memes won’t create themselves.
3% for Bottle Caps :Broke Pepe needs to fund his bottle cap adiction somehow.

In the end, we’re all just a bunch of Broke Pepes, trying to make sense of this crypto chaos. We may not have the yachts, the Lambos, or the caviar dreams, but what we do have is a community that revels in its shared struggle. So grab your bottle caps, dust off your dignity, and join us as we ride this dumpster fire all the way to the moon. After all, even the broken clocks are right twice a day.

And who knows? we could be next!

