Social Listing and how it works for startups and blockchain companies

4 min readOct 20, 2020


Using social listing, the project raises funds to pay for the appearance of its coin or token on the new crypto exchange. In order for this launch to occur on the exchange, the development team brings its community to this crypto exchange — and begins raising funds for the project. If the required amount is collected on time — a new coin or token will be listed on this cryptocurrency exchange.

Adding cryptocurrency of the project to the listings of the best crypto exchanges is not just one of the stages of the project development roadmap. First of all, this is an opportunity for the team to show itself as experts, and for cryptocurrency investors, it’s the way to support a promising project that interested them. At the same time, not only a company, fund, or a large trader can act as an investor, but also absolutely any member of the community created around a particular coin or token.

Listing on a crypto exchange with a reliable reputation automatically increases the chances of an asset becoming more expensive. But funds are needed to enter the new exchange. If the team does not have them, social listing comes to the rescue. When the project is already working, it has an altcoin, an active community and plans for the future, it’s time to use the support of the community — and raise the necessary funds for listing and promoting the coin for further trading.

Without the support of large crypto exchanges, buying and selling altcoins becomes an impossible task. There is a clear correlation between the success of the cryptocurrency and the quality of the listing, as well as the number of exchanges on which a token or coin is listed and traded. On average, after listing altcoin rises in price to 30%. But the main advantage for such a project from listing on a reliable crypto exchange is the expansion of the list of investors.

How Exchanges Select Projects For Social Listing

In order for a project to qualify for a place on the cryptocurrency exchange, it must meet a number of requirements. First, an initial check is carried out — and if further in-depth analysis and audits are required, the crypto exchange team contacts the authors of the project and clarifies all the necessary legal and organizational issues so that the coin or token meets the parameters of the particular exchange.

First of all, they pay attention to innovative projects without signs of scam, an MLM scheme or money laundering. When considering applications for social listing, crypto exchange teams look through the technological experience and reputation of the team, qualify the interest in the product from the market and the community, and find out how much the launch of the new coin solves the stated tasks of both the community and the cryptocurrency project industry as a whole.

What You Need To Submit A Project For A Social Listing

  • A complete and legally transparent package of documents
  • No connection of the project with political goals, movements and organizations, or parties
  • An active team of more than 1 person and the presence of an active community around a coin or token
  • The relevance of the developed product
  • True and timely disclosed information about the project and its technical component in open sources (Github, Bitcointalk)
  • The presence of a high-quality program document with a description of all the parameters, current capabilities, plans, and tasks of the team (preferably in white-paper format).

The Main Reasons For The Project To Be Delisted

  • Lack of updates or work reports for 1–2 consecutive months without feedback to the team of the crypto exchange where the listing took place
  • Deliberate concealment of information about some major events that could affect the price of a coin (i.e., hard forks)
  • Due to a suspicion of criminal activity by team members and the community, such as money laundering, fraud, or building pyramid schemes (Ponzi and look-alike schemes)
  • Critically small transaction volume and interest in a particular cryptocurrency in the time set by the crypto exchange
  • Reasonable suspicions of technical or financial market manipulation.

What To Look For While Choosing An Exchange For Social Listing

Different exchanges are focused on different currencies, the number of pairs or the strategy for building a listing of new coins and tokens. The project team that plans to bring it to social listing should remember: not all crypto exchanges are equally well protected. When a project faces a choice of where to list up, it is important to choose the most reliable option first. This can be done by choosing top websites based on the security ratings of cryptocurrency exchanges.

If you have any questions regarding the listing of coins on BTC-Alpha, you can contact our user support team or leave a request for crypto listing to clarify all the details.

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