CryptoCoinsNews and GAW Miners Sitting in a Tree… K I S S I N G.

How CryptoCoinNews is directly involved in the GAW Scam. SOME of the photographic and archived evidence that CCN is a shill for the scam.

Tom On BTC
6 min readJan 6, 2015

Visitors of are prompted with a message declaring it the “World Leading Independent Bitcoin News Outlet”.

That statement is almost laughable when you look at the data I have for your review on this fine January day.

Many in the community have been discussing the legitimacy of GAW Miners, Paybase, Paycoin, and Josh Garza for the past several week and we’ve seen a lot of movement in the cryptocurrency space to police itself but one area that I’ve seen the community truly failing on is the policing of news sources and what things we are up-voting on reddit, promoting on Twitter and sharing with our friends.

CryptoCoinsNews is even to this day a site that continues to float to the top of reddit, a site that continues to see a large number of retweets and a place that is directly in bed with GAW Miners.

CryptoCoinsNews Homepage on January 6th with PayBase and PayCoin Advertisements

At first glance CryptoCoinsNews is wrapped in advertisements for the latest Josh Garza scam. This has been the case for months during Hashlets, Hashstakers, Paycoin and now Paybase. Accepting advertisements on a site doesn’t mean you are directly in bed with the scam… it just means you are making profits from it. That is only a small issue versus the other information I am presenting here.

CryptoCoinNews has been posting “news articles” that are whitewashed versions of the actual events taking place. One author in particular Mr. Scott Fargo has been behind the bulk of GAW “news”. We will look closer at his involvement with GAW Miners later in this piece.

Recently Mr. Fargo posted on Hashtalk (the censored and controlled forums owned by GAW Miners) the following:

This is an interesting thing for the confirmed account of a reporter to post.

Mr. Fargo seems to be blaming Coin Fire for “fabricating” the Amazon statements by Josh Garza. This is only interesting because just a few short weeks ago this same “reporter” was reporting on the Amazon partnerships on CryptoCoinsNews.

Mr. Fargo posted on HashTalk:

He never said he partnered with Amazon and such. That was fabricated by another site to discredit him.

This is interesting for several reasons. The first being Mr. Fargo posted the following “news piece” just weeks before…

This like many other GAW related things has been scrubbed from the Internet. We only have a Google snapshot to work with now.

Mr. Fargo reported on November 4th that Josh Garza had partnerships with Walmart, Amazon and possibly Target.

We won’t even mention the simple fact that several articles on CryptoCoinsNews referenced the Amazon stuff…

Josh and GAWMiners have evolved in the Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency industry. Starting from selling hardware to now launching PayCoin, and PayBase introducing a simple way to use your cryptos to buy things on sites like Amazon with more to come. Josh has always been approachable by his customers as well as his detractors never backing down. PayBase, with the ability to shop Amazon built in, is huge. PayCoins’ value through PayBase being pegged at a floor of $20 gives holders a huge amount of buying power. We will keep track of how it all comes together and bring you the info. — Scott Fargo, CCN

Does statements like that read like news or like PR?

How a charity was abused to fund CCN “news pieces” about GAW Miners.

Sites that take money for sponsored stories is something I absolutely hate. CCN is known to do this. They make no qualms about it. Even stating very clearly they do this on the website “Terms and Conditions”.

They have claimed on reddit and elsewhere though that all “sponsored stories” appear in a section of the website called “Sponsored Stories”.

What happens though when a writer on CCN takes money from Mr. Garza? Does the “Director” “David Parker” have an issue with that? Does he turn a blind-eye since the entire website is covered in GAW Miners advertisements?

I can’t believe what a bunch of nerds we are. We’re looking up “money laundering” in a dictionary.

One possible way to get the pieces you want that contain positive lead-ins, don’t ask difficult questions and just let plushy PR pieces slip through is to “donate” money via a charity to an author. Another way is to send him free minining equipment, free cloud miners and other free items that will make him feel all nice and fuzzy about your company.

Certainly the gifts, charity donations to him and other things wouldn’t dare influence his reporting now would it?

Let’s start with the obvious free shit. GAW Miners gave Mr. Fargo free stuff for reviews in the past. You might state that is a common practice. You’d be right… albeit a shitty one when he gets to keep the stuff for his personal benefit.

This isn’t even the worst part. The worst part is the money that Mr. Scott Fargo was accepting from Josh Garza and other members of the Hashtalk community.

The brilliant part of a scam that has locked up your money is that you suddenly have to bring in more people to make sure your locked up money will be worth something… what better way than paying for positive press coverage?

Enter Cryptocause. An online charity that uses cryptocurrency to help those in need. Mr. Scott Fargo has been given large sums of money from Garza and other Hashtalk supporters through this charity.

This isn’t something that Mr. Fargo has denied. After several people on Bitcoin Talk began questioning him and others in comments on the CCN website he is suddenly going to “return the money when he can”.

Will we ever know if it is all of the money? Is he going to return the gifts? Why did the community have to PUBLICLY call him out on this?

If it makes you happy the funds the community raised will be returned to CryptoCause as they ran the fundraiser not me, not GAW. — Scott Fargo, CCN

Scott Fargo and Josh Garza.

Ahh yes, the “community” ran the fundraiser. Josh Garza personally donated to this fundraiser for Mr. Fargo and his website was used to facilitate the entire thing. I’m sure that had nothing to do with the “reporting” on CCN though from Mr. Fargo. Right?

Nothing to see here…. right?

Are you going to continue to allow CryptoCoinsNews the exposure it very clearly doesn’t deserve? Are you going to let them keep getting page views?

Stop voting up pieces for CryptoCoinsNews on reddit, stop sharing them on Twitter, stop promoting them. Each time you promote that site you promote a very clear agenda to pump Josh Garza to newbies.

Want to see more reports like this one? I’m gathering a large bit of data, proof and information. Send some tips my way….


