What bitcoin “news sites” are pumping Paycoin / GAW / Garza?

Tom On BTC
3 min readJan 3, 2015

As we work our way in to the later hours for those in the United States it seems that reddit posts regarding GAW Miners are beginning to die down and reddit mods on the other side of the world are wondering what the fuck Paycoin, Josh Garza or GAW Miners has to do with bitcoin.

Many others are also wondering if anyone is really being tricked by this entire scam.

Outside of Bitcoin Talk and reddit plenty of people are being tricked. They hear about bitcoin and search for news about it and land on lots of “bitcoin news sites”. Sites that are oftentimes promoting or pumping various currencies.

No other cryptocurrency besides bitcoin has been pumped, advertised or paid for more than Paycoin. Josh Garza nearly CONTROLS the bitcoin and cryptocurrency media sources at this point with advertisements plastering nearly every site, hit job PR pieces being pumped on sites, donations to authors, payments for advertisements, offering exclusive stories to those willing to pump.

If we want to make sure that people who aren’t regular readers of reddit or Bitcoin Talk aren’t going to get sucked in to the scam we need to make the sites that promote the scam truly suffer.

So…. let’s look at who is doing the most pumping.


Not only is NEWSBTC covered in advertisement wraps for this scam they have run an article that claims if you don’t believe in Paycoin you are a “crypto-extremist” and responsible for dropping the value. They’ve also run several PR pieces for GAW Miners.

I think we can clearly see who they work for.


Claiming to be “truly independent” one only has to glance at the site to see it is also wrapped with the advertisements for this scam. It runs banners for this scam and it is literally a mouth-piece for the scam.

They never run anything negative about GAW Miners, they literally have run PR hit jobs for them and could be considered the “sultan of spin” for GAW Miners. CryptoCoinsNews is the biggest shill of the GAW Miners scam to date.

These are just TWO of the sites. What are other ones? Leave your comments on the reddit thread along with any proof you can find. We, as a community need to self-police and stop giving these sites that are shilling our eyes.

Stop linking them, stop upvoting them, stop tweeting them and stop enabling them to enable the scam.

This was huge news for the bitcoin community on January 2nd and sites that ignored it should be treated with a certain level of suspect. Ignoring something that literally is nearly every story on the bitcoin subreddit takes you TRULY ignoring reddit, being ignorant, or truly being a shill.

