How Can I Help? 15 Ways We Can All Quickly Make An Impact

Bill Tomoff
2 min readApr 3, 2017


A recent article by Ryan Holmes (Twitter @invoker) in Inc. Magazine “The 4-Word Question All Highly Successful People Ask” emphasized the power of asking “How can I help?” and went on to explain that this simple phrase, and the genuine willingness to help others, might be the ultimate networking tool.

This is a thought provoking read and a perspective, if adopted, will improve potential for long term success. As Ryan points out, “I truly believe that helping other people sets you up for cosmic success at some level, whether that’s in business or in everyday life (in fact, the less distinction you make between the two, the better). What goes around almost inevitably comes around.”

As I contemplated the post a bit more, I thought about “how can I help” beyond the scope of the post and wondered if we posed the the question to ourselves in our daily lives? Truly, it is easy to take small actions that may truly help others while also helping ourselves.


1 — Take Ryan Holmes message to heart, and find ways to help others!

2 — Be optimistic.

If you lack optimism, it’s game over — Gary Vaynerchuk

3 — Exude positivity.

Make Positivity Louder — Gary Vaynerchuk

4 — Recognize and celebrate others. Send handwritten notes.

5 — Always say “please” and “thank you”.

6 — Smile.

7 — Encourage others.

8 — Hold a door open for the person behind you.

9 — Help a charity.

10 — Leave pennies at the cash register for the next person who might need a few.

11 — When shopping, collect and put away a few of the random shopping carts left in the parking lot.

12 — During your travels, slow down and pick up trash.

13 — Share your interests and expertise on social media. If you see content that interests you, be generous with your comments, likes and shares for others.

14 — Be cognizant that you are “leading” and setting an example in all you do. Support and encourage others.

15 — Invest in yourself. Be curious and commit to continual learning.

“You are educated. Your certification is in your degree. You may think of it as a ticket to a good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world.” — Tom Brokaw

As you go about your day, how can you help?

Thank you for reading!



Bill Tomoff

#TwinzTalk | My WHY: “Helping others is rewarding, and provides me fulfillment and gratification” | Finance | Always Learning | #Kindness #Gratitude #HelpOthers