How AI Improves the Brand Experience

Benjamin Warsinske
5 min readApr 19, 2017


As artificial intelligence sweeps across industries and into our daily lives as consumers, it can be an advantageous way to leverage time and resources. Here are two AI robot’s I’ve recently hired to improve the brand experience.


We all have 24 hours in a day. How you use your 24 hours to be efficient and productive determines how successful you will be.

Inundated with meetings, phone calls, emails, social media — those tasks can quickly take over your entire day if you are not careful. It’s happened to me.


There are plenty of productivity hack posts sharing some great tips on blocking time out for specific tasks, only checking email once a day, or batching work like recording podcast episodes, writing articles and scheduling them out over a period of weeks.

These are great ideas and will help your productivity overall.


Often it is not enough.

Not Enough?

As a small business or sole proprietor, while you can gain extra time by implementing those strategies above, you still run into the bottleneck of you or your small team. In other words, no matter how efficient you are, you still, at the end of the day, have to do the work yourself.

What if you could hire a robot to help with specific tasks?

Seem futuristic or crazy? It’s an idea that has gained momentum over the last few years and is picking up speed.

I love the idea of having a team of robots designed to do specific tasks extraordinarily well. It frees up my time to focus on tasks that I find more enjoyable, like content creation, research, speaking, or traveling. And it keeps the brand experience consistent. In fact, no one has to know!

My Two Favorite Robot Hires

Two of the biggest tasks in business involve scheduling meetings and managing a brand’s social media presence. As a small business owner, most likely you end up doing both tasks yourself. You may hire an intern or pass some of the responsibilities of social media to a team member at some point, but in the meantime, either you are building your social media presence or it’s slipping away from you.

Scheduling meetings via email is another headache altogether. How many times have you had to go back and forth with a prospect to figure out a time that works well for both of you?

It’s time consuming, frustrating, and oftentimes, annoying. That’s not to say the meeting will be that way, but sometimes the headache of scheduling the meeting can overpower what the meeting is actually about in the first place.

Fear not! I’ve recently hired two amazing artificial intelligence robots to free up my time, improve the brand experience that my company offers, and that are willing to work 24/7. And you can hire them, too!

I’ve written extensively about my first robot hire, Edgar. He is a hipster octopus genius when it comes to managing and sharing my social media content across multiple channels.

What’s more, Edgar allows you to categorize all of your social media content into a super organized library. From there, all you have to do is choose the times and social media platform you want the content to be shared on. Edgar will take it from there, sharing content from that specific category, at that designated time, each day/week until it runs through the list of content. Unlike Buffer, Edgar will not simply delete the content. Instead, it will shuffle the content and start again, recycling and re-sharing past blog posts.

With the diminishing returns on social media and the small percentage of your audience who will actually see your content, repurposing and sharing the content again can give your content extra mileage.

To learn more, visit MeetEdgar.

Amy Ingram
It finally happened.

I received an email from Amy, letting me know that she was now free to begin scheduling meetings on my behalf. After nearly two years on a wait list, I finally have an incredible assistant to help with scheduling meetings.

My welcome email from Amy Ingram,’s scheduling tool.

Who is Amy?

Amy is the product of, a New York-based startup that has redefined how people schedule meetings. Amy, or her brother Andrew, are well equipped to take the hassle out of scheduling meetings. How?

Once you have signed up and connected your calendar, Amy will ask where you like to have your meetings, times throughout the day, and breaks in between. Then, when you are setting up a meeting with a prospect, simply mention that you will have your assistant reach out and schedule a meeting. Make sure Amy is cc’ed on the email and she’ll take care of the rest, coordinating days/times/locations based on your preferences. Once determined, Amy will set up a meeting and add it to your calendar. Brilliant!

An example of a meeting scheduled by Amy.

For small companies, this enhances the brand experience and lends further credibility to the enterprise. It also frees up your time, allowing Amy to focus on scheduling the meeting on your behalf.

To learn more, visit


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How AI Improves the Brand Experience

While there is a constant debate over how AI will change our world, it is a fact that it can improve the brand experience you offer. On top of that, it can free up your time, allowing you to focus on what’s most important while staying consistently on brand.

Social media is an important tool. It’s how we listen to customers and proactively reach out to answer questions. Allowing Edgar to focus on sharing content frees my time to focus on interacting and engaging with my audience.

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Are you leveraging artificial intelligence to deliver a consistent brand experience and free up your time? What other AI tools do you use to leverage against your time?

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Benjamin Warsinske

Brand Culture Consultant | Founder of @brandedworldco | #legoseriousplay Facilitator | #PlayMatters