Top 5 ways to burn belly fat

Book Your Game (BYG)
3 min readAug 3, 2016


Who doesn’t want flat abs? People in order to desperate to lose weight will willingly starve themselves, take expensive supplements or do the latest fad diet that promises to give them that flawless figure. It’s not only the actual effort that’s hard, it’s also knowing “how” to burn stomach fat correctly that’s a challenge. Read on and burn the unwanted calories with these exercises to burn stomach fat quickly.

Elliptical trainer:

Some of us no longer have the strong joints we had as teenagers. Jogging is out of the question and walking doesn’t cut it. The good news is elliptical trainers provide an intense, low impact cardio workout. In fact, a 145-lb. person can burn about 300 calories in 30 minutes on an elliptical trainer. That’s about as many calories as running burns, but without the joint wear-and-tear.

The bicycle exercise:

Burning body and belly fat with cardio exercises is half the battle. Next is strengthening abdominal muscles so you have something to show once the fat is shed. In a recent study, ab exercises were ranked from best to worst. The bicycle exercise ranked as number 1 because it requires abdominal stabilization, body rotation, and more abdominal muscle activity.

Reverse crunch:

The reverse crunch was also ranked above regular crunches as the 5th best exercise for strengthening core muscles.

-Lie flat on the floor with arms at your sides

-Cross your feet and lift them off the floor so your knees create a 90-degree angle

-Contract ab muscles and lift head and shoulders off the ground

-Exhale when you contract; inhale when you lower back down

  • Do 1–3 sets with 12–16 repetitions

Vertical leg crunch:

The vertical leg crunch is similar to a regular crunch. But it requires you to keep your legs straight, which makes the abs work harder and increases the workout’s intensity.

-Lie down with hands behind your head

-Put your legs straight up with knees crossed

-Flex abs to lift head and shoulders off the floor

-Lay back down

-Keep legs extended in the air the whole time

-Exhale when you flex; inhale when you lay back down

  • Do 1–3 sets with 12–16 repetitions

Exercise ball crunch:

This exercise needs a lot of stabilization which engages more muscles. You’ll need an exercise ball.

-Lie on the ball so your lower back is supported and feet are firmly planted on the ground

-Place hands across chest or behind the head
-Contract abs and lift your torso up and forward

-Lower back down

-Keep the ball stable during each crunch

-Exhale when you crunch; inhale when you lower back down

  • Do 1–3 sets with 12–16 repetitions

Credits: TOI

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