Unveiling BYOND Seed NFTs: Igniting the Future of Cross-Chain Finance

3 min readAug 28, 2023



🚀 Ignite Your Journey, Embrace Cross-Chain Possibilities 🚀

Welcome to a realm where innovation knows no bounds, where financial landscapes stretch beyond the chains that bind them — welcome to **BYOND Seed NFTs**. In this exhilarating chapter of our journey, we’re not just launching NFTs; we’re igniting the spark that will fuel the future of cross-chain finance.

💎 Total Supply: 1,000 Exquisite NFTs 💎

Within the finite canvas of 1,000 NFTs, we’re crafting a masterpiece that extends far beyond digital art. Each BYOND Seed NFT is a key, unlocking the doors to a world where opportunities transcend boundaries.

🎨 Mint Price: 0.02 ETH — Your Gateway to Limitless Horizons 🎨

For the cost of 0.02 ETH, you’re not just acquiring an NFT; you’re securing a piece of the future. Each NFT mints with the power to reshape your financial journey.

💰 Total Raise Amount: Shaping a Foundation for Progress 💰

The funds raised from the NFT sales form the cornerstone of our journey. With every NFT purchase, you’re not just acquiring digital art; you’re seeding a movement that bridges chains, redefines finance, and ushers in a new era of cross-chain possibilities. This fund will be utilised to enhance the BYOND ecosystem, contribute to the development of innovative financial solutions, and propel us towards a future without limits.

🌐 Breaking Barriers: The Promise of OmniChain NFTs 🌐

Our ambition knows no bounds. We’re working tirelessly to usher in the era of OmniChain NFTs, where boundaries dissolve, and ecosystems unite. While we’re in discussion to bring this vision to life, we’re committed to transparency.

🔗 A Glimpse of the Future: Crossing Chains 🔗

In the event that time constraints challenge us to realize OmniChain NFTs, rest assured, our commitment remains unshaken. We’ll mint NFTs on Ethereum, each carrying the promise of a 1:1 airdrop for CrossChain NFTs at a later date.

🌌 A Future Beyond Limits: BYOND Seed NFTs Await You 🌌

Step into a world where financial evolution transcends boundaries. BYOND Seed NFTs aren’t just tokens; they’re the embodiment of progress, the essence of innovation, and the embodiment of a future we’re crafting together.

🚀 Seed Your Contribution, Reap Global Impact 🚀

Embrace the dawn of a new era where cross-chain finance isn’t just a concept; it’s a reality. BYOND Seed NFTs embody the essence of progress, the spirit of innovation, and the promise of a future that transcends boundaries.

Disclaimer: BYOND Seed NFTs are a doorway to boundless opportunities, but they do not constitute financial advice. It is recommended to conduct thorough research before making investment decisions.





BYOND is Omnichain money market which allows you to Deposit & borrow across multiple chains in no time. https://twitter.com/BYOND_Money