The Ballad Of Poco Loco

Bad Bunnies NFT
3 min readOct 16, 2022


A Bad Bunnies Gang Lore Story


It’s been too long that Poco loco suffers in silence and gnaws his turnip.

Since Betty left, 10 years ago, one could think that he doesn’t live anymore. His sorrow he drowns it in tequila as formerly some bunnies a little too enterprising.

He has built his empire with the strength of his paw. Some people buy their opponents with carrots, he subdues them with the stick. The law of the strongest always, since his childhood in Puerto Conejo under the authority of a violent father traumatized by gang war.

When he disembarked at the port at the age of 16, with his torn clothes and a salad as his only luggage, he quickly understood that it would be the same here.

In a new country everything is to be built… Poco loco has done everything: drugs, false papers, attack of armored trucks, gambling in seedy back rooms and of course clandestine fights in dark and unhealthy burrows. The « Rabbit arena » was the only place in town where you could run into the country’s big industrialists alongside rotten cops and bazaar robbers. He rose fast and high. By the time he was 25, he had about 100 buns ready to do the legwork for him. He regularly had lunch with the prosecutor and had his napkin in the best restaurants of the city. No one spoke about him, and even if they did, few knew about his broken tooth. Among the Brawlers, everyone knew the sentence reserved for traitors. At first he only cut off one ear, as a warning. The guys called him ‘Van Gogh’ but he didn’t like that, so he started to take “ears & tail” at the slightest doubt. But Poco loco never doubted and his name came like that.

At the age of 40, Poco loco was settled with an amazing wife, Betty, and two sons ready to take over.

But when you’re successful and want to enjoy the good life, you end up delegating the preparation of bad moves. They become less thorough… and Poco loco ended up in jail. His accountant started talking when he realized that the carrots were cooked. Poco loco got 7 years: the prosecutor nailed him.

It’s exactly 3 years since he was released from prison under the electronic bracelet regime. Not easy to resume his activities with this snitch in the paw. Fortunately, his sons were able to develop clandestine fights and maintain the cohesion of the gang during his absence.

This morning the bracelet was removed and since this morning he has not touched a drop of alcohol. This is because his fighter n*1, Django aka the king of octagon, fights tonight against the champion of the diggers in a paw fight and the boss of the diggers will be there. He’s coming because he believes the fight will be fair and it will be on neutral ground, he also believes that Poco loco is not as powerful as he used to be. Above all he believes that Poco loco has forgotten Betty…

But Poco loco is back. He will take back what is rightfully his and much more.

His Choppers are hungry and he is even hungrier. Bad prison bread is no substitute for good toasted buns.


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Bad Bunnies NFT

Only 5500 Bad Bunnies will be released from captivity. Bail is set at 0.0275 ETH. Bail out your bunnies to create your crew 🤘