Balancer Grants Wave 4 starts off close to home with Xeonus

Building out our, DAO treasury portal and its Gitbook.

Balancer Grants
3 min readApr 4, 2022

The team at Balancer Grants subDAO is proud to announce the approval of the grant application by Xeonus to expand our understanding of the Balancer protocol by building tools such as analytics and documentation.

We are very excited to offer this grant to another one of our very own community members. Xeonus has outlined a very extensive list of items he is looking to complete during this grant’s timeline. A timeline which will span over 3 months at a cost of $34,500. The first milestone will center around improving the current site which tracks BAL incentives today across Ethereum Mainnet, Polygon, and Arbitrum. In addition there will be a new site where users can view protocol analytics such as volume, TVL, and fees by pool. The second milestone will focus on creating an open-source template for community sites based on and there will also be an integration of the Balancer DAO notion into The second milestone will include a buildout of a Balancer DAO treasury portal. The third and final milestone will be rounded out by giving attention to expanding documentation. The Balancer DAO gitbook will continue to be added to and a community focused development repository will be constructed. There is a lot of content to be delivered in these three robust milestones and by the end of the grant the community will have a lot of powerful analytics tools at their disposal.

Xeonus is a very valuable asset to the Balancer DAO and his efforts to date are most appreciated. He has been building since he first arrived on the scene and he isn’t looking to stop anytime soon. The tools that he has built so far have been used by the community on a daily basis and have filled information gaps that the protocol had. I know I personally use these tools all the time. I hope Xeonus sticks around long term so we can all benefit from the high end toolsets he builds. — ZeKraken

Balancer is one of the most sophisticated DeFi projects in the space. I want to better understand the full potential and therefore build meaningful tools so users of the protocol can get the most out of Balancer. I feel humbled to be able to contribute to such a great platform through my grant. — Xeonus, Baller

About Xeonus

Xeonus got his masters in Neuroscience at ETH (Eidgenössisch Technische Hochschule) Zurich and obtained his PhD from the University of Zurich. After working as a PostDoc for 2 years he decided to follow his true passion for coding and became a full-time IT consultant and software developer.

Xeonus has been a community contributor to the Balancer ecosystem since August 2021. His most known contributions are discord verification procedures ( and the analytics tools like With his grant Xeonus will be able to work full-time for 3 months on exciting new projects that will greatly benefit the protocol.

About Balancer Grants

The BAL Grant program is one way BalancerDAO promotes the development of the Balancer Protocol and Ecosystem.

The BAL Grant program provides support and funding ($1K — $75K) to projects committed to supporting Balancer Protocol in achieving its mission to become the number one source for Decentralized exchange trades. This program is a good fit for individuals and groups that want to run a project that builds technology or resources on the Balancer Protocol.

Apply now!

If you are interested in supporting the development of the Balancer Ecosystem or want to build on top of the Balancer Protocol, this is your chance! Get started by filling in the Grants Application form. You can also check out our RFP page for inspiration!

For further questions about how the Grants subDAO works, check out the grants page, follow us on Twitter, or send an email to



Balancer Grants

The BAL Grant program is one way BalancerDAO promotes the development of the Balancer Protocol and ecosystem.