Bleu is building Balancer tooling, Twitter bots, simulators and much more!

Balancer Grants
4 min readJun 15, 2023


The team at Balancer Grants SP can announce that we have been working with the team at Bleu to build out a whole catalogue of tooling, dApps, simulators, bots, documentation and even a new hub to allow for all contributors to add their projects to Let’s dive into each one below!

Grant Details:

Balancer Pool Custom Metadata app (Grant Details)

Bleu began with this app that allows pool owners to add additional custom metadata fields to be stored in IPFS linked to the pool on chain data. Check out the dApp @

Discord/Twitter Metrics Bot (Grant Details)

The team followed up with a proposal for a Twitter bot that tweets current metrics for top pools, veBAL and Balancer volume/TVL. The bot was expanded into a Discord bot that can present all this data upon calling from the Balancer channels. The Twitter bot is live at

Make balpy feature complete (Grant Details)

balpy is a set of tools for interacting with Balancer Protocol V2 in Python. It currently exists in an alpha-build requiring additional features to complete which have been finished by Bleu awaiting approval of the PR. Check out the repo @

Internal Balances Manager

The Balancer Vault offers a unique and underutilized feature within the decentralized exchange ecosystem: Internal User Balances. Bleu has proposed a user-friendly interface designed for traders to easily manage and interact with their internal balances within the Vault. By providing a simple and accessible GUI, we aim to onboard new users and unlock the full potential of this feature. Check it out here.

StableSwap Simulator (Grant Details)

This portion of the grant is for the development of a dashboard to visualize the impact of changes in the Amplification Factor on Balancer Stable-Like Pools. This dashboard should provide insights into how changes in the Amplification Factor can affect: 1. pool composition i.e. proportion of tokens; 2. relative price between pairs; and 3. liquidity/market depth. Hopefully, it will help Balancer Maxis and Pool Creators to better understand the impacts of changes they make to the Amplification Factor, ultimately leading to better outcomes for all users of the platform — betters prices for traders should attract more volume and thus generate more fees to LPs.

Bleu’s contributions are expanding in the Balancer ecosystem and we are excited to help it happen. Their team consists of skilled data and computer science oriented individuals with the focus of shedding light on all Balancer has to offer. They have already delivered on their initial proposal and are proactively moving the needle for Balancer when it comes to improving user experience. Their team is happy to produce the deliverables outlined in this grant, and the work so far has been top notch. We look forward to Bleu’s deliverables here, and for them to continue making Balancer’s inner workings as easily accessible as possible.”

— Zen Dragon, Grants committee member

From its inception, bleu has been committed to supporting both web2 and web3 technology partners. Balancer initially captured my personal interest not only because of Fábio, a close friend and bleu’s co-founder who has spent the past two years wholeheartedly contributing to it, but also due to its potential to become the backbone of DeFi. Fábio helped exert the pull that was needed and open up the opportunity to put that curiosity to work. Our primary objective is to play a pivotal role in bridging the web3 experience gap, while also transforming it into an efficient and user-friendly space for everyone. In a practical and grounded manner, we aim to contribute to a future where web3 technologies become essential components of our daily interactions, enhancing connectivity and fostering pragmatic innovation.

— José Ribeiro, co-founder @ bleu

About bleu

bleu is a web3 technology and user experience collaborator for companies and DAOs. We recognize the potential to make interactions with the blockchain more seamless, and our aim is to help bridge the gap between the possibilities enabled by blockchain and the current end-user experience in web3, which we believe can be improved.

About Balancer Grants

The BAL Grant program is one way BalancerDAO promotes the development of the Balancer Protocol and Ecosystem.

The BAL Grant program provides support and funding ($1K — $100K) to projects committed to supporting Balancer Protocol in achieving its mission to become the number one source for Decentralized exchange trades. This program is a good fit for individuals and groups that want to run a project that builds technology or resources on the Balancer Protocol.

Apply now!

If you are interested in supporting the development of the Balancer Ecosystem or want to build on top of the Balancer Protocol, this is your chance! Get started by filling in the Grants Application form. You can also check out our RFP page for inspiration!

For further questions about how the Grants Program works, check out the grants page, follow us on Twitter, or send an email to



Balancer Grants

The BAL Grant program is one way BalancerDAO promotes the development of the Balancer Protocol and ecosystem.