My experience to pass the TELUS international Search engine evaluator exam.

Balew Ayalew K
6 min readMay 12, 2022


This article contains my experience all about to pass TELUS international Search engine evaluator exam.

TELUS international is extremely selective in terms of recruiting new search engine evaluators/raters. Before you can begin working on various rating tasks, you must pass the TELUS international qualification exam. The Exam contains three parts( Theoretical, Page Quality Rating, Needs Met rating).

When you get enrollment and application confirmation email , you will get an exam email with detailed instructions and exam preparation general guideline document. with in seven days you need to study and concentrate on 171 pages of the general guideline which comprises of rating rules and ideas. The guide clears up and explains for you how to do the rating of query items and assessment of the quality of web pages. You ought to observe these guidelines and not utilize your own judgment. What they need is for you to address and represent a typical user in your country. Before you continue with the exam you need to study the guideline at least twice paying particular attention to practical task examples. Remember that it’s 171 pages in length. As I generally exhort, don’t stand by till the latest possible second.

Since the exam has three parts, you only can continue with the following part provided that you pass the previous one. Except part 3 of the exam once you complete any part of the exam, within 3–10 minutes you will get an email with information about your result.

Theoretical part of the exam(Part 1)

In this part of the exam, you will be asked True/False questions on how well you grasp the theoretical part of rating ideas and concepts, as well as on your ability to interpret and understand questions and search for information in the general guidelines. It is an open book exam , so you can use the general guidelines to find answers to the exam questions. If you fail in this part of the exam, there may be an opportunity to take the exam a second time.

Each page of the exam has 30 minutes limit before it expires thus it is exhorted that you don’t allow it to terminate as it will influence your score. Ensure that assuming you really want to move back from that you hit submit to finish the job prior to leaving. This is significant in light of the fact that any work is done won’t be saved until you click Submit. You can only submit a task assuming that you have finished up every one of the expected test questions. This implies that no halfway work will be saved. To leave, you can either click ‘Sign Out’ or just close the window. To resume the exam, you follow the same steps as while beginning.

Remember : Don’t leave incomplete tasks more than for 30 minutes, any other way, they will terminate and you will fail the exam consequently. Assuming that you really want to have some time off, complete the questions on the page and press “Submit and Stop rating”.

once you have finished part I of the exam , you automatically back to the homepage of the website. If the homepage says ‘No available tasks’ at the top left , then you have completed the exam. It is critical to grasp that assuming you release any tasks during the exam, it will be marked as a WRONG ANSWER! So anything that you do, don’t release tasks. It may take some minutes before you are able to access Part 2 of the exam. The something significant to recall is that you probably won’t receive an email saying that Part 2 is ready for you. All things considered, you ought to sign into RaterHub following a couple of minutes.

If you don’t see anything in RaterHub following 24 hours, you ought to email the organization and let them know. Once more, assuming you pass this part, the organization will send you an email saying “Congratulations! You passed the Theoretical part of the exam”

Page Quality Rating Exam(Part 2)

In this part of the exam, you will be approached to evaluate 7 web pages for their quality. My guidance for this part is to actually look at every quality aspects of the page, and fill in the online form very carefully so you can give a correct overall quality rating from lowest to highest. You ought to expect 2–3 low-quality web pages, 2 high-quality web pages, and 2–3 medium quality web pages. Anyway this isn’t a rule, sometimes candidates get 4–5 pages of high or medium quality pages and just 1 or 2 low-quality pages to rate. Remember this, to give correct ratings, analyze pages for ETA (Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness) criteria cautiously.

The goal of page quality rating is to assess the way that well the page accomplishes its intended purpose and is not dependent on a query or the user location, bellow you will find general tips on the most proficient approach to move toward part 2 of the exam:

  1. Your Money Or Your Life (YMYL) pages ought to have a great deal of formal Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness or EAT which can likewise come as ‘life experience’ from non — formal pages.
  2. High-quality pages ought to address time, effort, skill, and expertise of their creators. Pages that are malignant, unsafe, misleading, and appear to be inadequate with regards to any reason ought to get the the lowest rating.
  3. You don’t have to complete this part at once. In between when you need, you can take a rest. The tasks are as yet accessible when you sign in.
  4. Likewise, remember that in in this part of the exam you really want to give a PQ rating primarily to a page and not to a website, although some quality aspects of a website have to be taken into consideration when assigning overall PQ rating, specifically in the event of YMYL (Your Money Or Your Life) content which Google approaches extremely in a serious way.

Once more, assuming you pass this part, the organization will send you an email saying “Congratulations! You passed the Page Quality part of the exam.”

Needs Met Rating Exam(Part 3)

This is probably the most difficult part of the exam, and many candidates fail the exam at this stage. There are 7 URL web page tasks, and each task contains 8–12 result blocks. In each task, you will be given a certain query, and a list of search results blocks with links where you have to give a usefulness rating to search results using a scale from “Fails to Met” to “Fully Met”.

I have a hints that you can use to maximize your chances of passing the exam.

  1. Make a point to mark important concepts from the general guideline so that you can refer back to them in the event that you stall out. Regardless of whether you feel that your response is right, you should refer to the guidelines to double-check.
  2. Remember that assuming you start the exam, incomplete exam tasks expire after 30 minutes. Assuming that you really want to have some time off, make a point to choose and click ‘Submit and Stop Rating’ to to avoid the task from expiring.
  3. Ensure that you completely grasp the query and user intent. On the off chance that you don’t completely grasp user intent, make extra exploration on the Internet.
  4. At the point when you are assessing landing pages in the exam, don’t put an excessive amount of significance on the Page Quality slider. The spotlight should be on Needs Met Ratings.
  5. Perhaps the main thing is to totally know when to utilize Fully Meets. Fully Meets ratings are exceptionally interesting contrasted with Highly Meets ratings. Abstain from being too generous on landing pages. Assuming that you feel a little unsure by any means, you ought not be evaluating a page ‘Fully Meets’.
  6. Figure out what type of query (user intent) is: single entity (business) query with local or non-local or both intent/to visit in person/navigate to a website.
  7. Think about the following aspects while giving ratings to result blocks: user location, for local intent, queries far away results are useless or slightly relevant.
  8. Ensure you give correct ratings to special content result blocks for a single entity and business category queries. On account of a business chain/category query, the result block with a list of businesses is always better than just results for a single business within one category.
  9. Consider expertise and trustworthiness of search results for financial, legal, and health-related queries; low expertise and trustworthiness automatically reduce needs met rating of the results.
  10. Consider dominant, possible common, and minor interpretations for the query and take this aspect into account while giving ratings to a result block. Minor interpretation results ought to get a low usefulness (Needs Met) rating.
  11. Consider how well the web page/website is optimized for mobile users.
  12. Whenever you have examined and thought about completely recorded above perspectives, you ought to give a rating to result blocks one by one.

You will get overall exam results on the exam due date plus one day. if you pass the the exam, the the organization will send you an email saying “Congratulations! You achieved an overall pass!”



Balew Ayalew K

Studying VR's role in brain injury rehab as a pre-doctoral student at KU Leuven.