Nikola Jokic — NBA 2021–2022 MVP

Noah Moyer
2 min readMay 9, 2022


First and foremost, congratulations are in order for Mr. Jokic. What he has been able to do with a seemingly shitty team has been incredible, and people don’t give him enough credit for that. Do I think Embiid should’ve been the MVP? Absolutely. Without a doubt in my mind, Joel Embiid had a MVP season, and is having a MVP playoff run. But the award is for the regular season, and as dominant as Embiid was, when these voters are looking at the stat sheets, Jokic is slightly above Embiid.

But now that the MVP talk is over, I’m hoping the Sixers can move on and focus solely on this incredible playoff run. As much as it sucks for Embiid, I think we all know that this will light a fire under his ass like we’ve never seen before. He’s made comments throughout the season about how he feels slighted by the NBA analyst and voters, and how he feels like he is the undisputed MVP of the NBA. With Jokic getting the award once again, we know that Embiid is going to do everything in his power to take this team all the way to a Championship and collect some Finals MVP hardware.



Noah Moyer

Philadelphia Sports Fan || Former Trustee Of The Process || Twitter - @cha_boi_noah