2 min readJun 28, 2016

Notes from the Field: The Three-Legged Race, Elementary school game or path to peace and prosperity?

“A favorite at community picnics and school carnivals, a three-legged race is a game of cooperation between partners as much as it is one of speed. It involves two participants attempting to complete a short sprint with the left leg of one runner strapped to the right leg of another runner. The object is for the partners to run together without falling over, and beat the other contestants to the finish line.”

Last month as I boarded a flight to Saudi Arabia, I reviewed cultural debriefs and meditated on how to dampen down my American, direct, and enthusiastic style to fit in with the culture. I reviewed how to properly wear my headscarf and Abaya to respect local tradition. It stands to reason that my female, American, enthusiastic, and direct style will pose a challenge for me and my counterparts in Riyadh.

Why was I off to Saudi Arabia? We’ve determined that it’s a solid business development move, with the government putting its focus and funding behind transforming the economy and the workforce. We rapidly upskill bankers through simulation training — perfect for a millennial workforce who wants to learn and transform quickly.

But you rightly point out — there are so many countries around the world that pose opportunities, with the current political situation in the Middle East, perhaps this would be the time to take a pass? Don’t be so hasty.

In BankersLab, we believe that economic collaboration leads to cultural understanding, peace and prosperity. Our team member who once worked on Kibbutz in Israel recently hired programming resources based in Palestine. He shares our belief that when we work together, we tie our economic well-being together. Don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk.

Yes, just like a three-legged race. Success is determined by cooperation.

So, whether you also order a vegetarian meal to respect your lunch mates at the same table, adjust your communication style, or take the time to learn a local greeting…each action is bringing us together for a stronger common understanding. The three-legged race, just the same as cross-cultural collaboration from both sides.

The philosophical question is, can we collaborate with a country such as Saudi Arabia in their quest to overhaul their economy and workforce, which would ideally provide a stabilizing anchor in the region? Can we succeed? There is only one way to find out… get in the race!


#Innovation #Simulation #Workshops #Facilitation. Jumpstart innovation, increase portfolio profitability and upskill.