CitizenOne Staking is coming!

Banksea Finance
2 min readJun 12, 2022


The First phase of the CitizenOne staking event will start on June 15th and end on June 22nd. All the CitizenOne holders can obtain sKSE rewards by staking their CitizenOnes.

Staking Website:

Duration: 13:00 June 15th —13:00 June 22nd GMT+8

The sKSE

Because Banksea’s token KSE has not yet been listed, we pre-issue the sKSE (staking KSE) as a reward for staking. sKSE will be exchanged for KSE at a certain rate when KSE is launched.

Reward mechanism

Rewards will be issued at 4320 sKSE per day, based on the user's rarity of the CitizenOne staked. CitizenOnes are divided into 4 rarity levels:
level 1: CitizenOnes without Mythic Traits.
level 2: CitizenOnes with 1 Mythic Trait.
level 3: CitizenOnes with 2 Mythic Traits.
level 4: CitizenOnes with 3 Mythic Traits.

The formula for the user’s reward per day is as follows:

n: The number of CTNs you staked

CTNLeveli: The level of CTN you staked

TotalCTNLevel: Sum of total CTN’s level in the staking pool

If both Alice and Bob participate in staking, Alice stakes 2 CitizenOnes of level 1 and level 2, and Bob stakes 2 CitizenOnes of level 3 and level 4.
Alice’s reward per day is 4320 * (1 + 2) / (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) = 1296 sKSE
Bob’s reward per day is 4320 * (3 + 4) / (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) = 3024 sKSE
(Please note: Only 4 CitizenOnes are staked in this example, so the returns of Alice and Bob are relatively high)

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