Suddenly You’re A Software DeveloperI’ve officially been a Developer for 2 weeks now — although it somehow feels much longer. In the past two weeks I’ve been thrust into…Apr 24, 2016Apr 24, 2016
The BeginningI recently blogged about my preparations for a presentation at NWRUG (my local Ruby meet-up) and recapped on how it all went. What I didn’t…Apr 10, 2016Apr 10, 2016
My First Talk at a Meet-upLast time I wrote a little bit about my preparations for a talk I was going to be giving at my local Ruby meet-up. I briefly touched on…Mar 29, 2016Mar 29, 2016
Preparing To TalkIn less than 48 hours I will be making my way to my monthly Ruby meet-up, this time, however, I won’t be the attentive attendee I’ll be the…Mar 15, 2016Mar 15, 2016
Making HeadwayYou’ve been working away at online tutorials and getting a good feel for the fundamentals of coding but you’re starting to run out of…Mar 1, 2016Mar 1, 2016
What I Wish I KnewOn my journey to learn to code one of the most frustrating problems I had was never knowing how much I needed to know in order to land my…Feb 22, 2016Feb 22, 2016
My First Meet-upIt was at the evening of my first meet-up with NWRUG (North West Ruby User Group). I was excited. By encouraging myself to join this group…Feb 13, 20161Feb 13, 20161
Pushing Beyond Uncertainty — Part 2It’s both exciting and nerve-wracking when you move to a new country. It takes a lot of adjustment. Finding your way around town, what…Feb 13, 2016Feb 13, 2016
Pushing Beyond Uncertainty — Part 1It takes a bit more courage than I imagined to write a blog post. I don’t have much experience writing anything that merits any…Feb 13, 2016Feb 13, 2016