Four Shots on Friday: The Senseless Murder of Elizabeth Barraza.

Alex Lewis (WelshChappie)
39 min readOct 7, 2021
We will never forget!

It doesn’t happen very often, but now and then you come across an unsolved case & something about it gets your attention and refuses to let go. This is one of those cases. If ever there were someone who did not deserve to be the victim of cold hearted, and completely senseless murder, it was Elizabeth Nuelle Barraza.

Elizabeth, Liz as friends and family knew her, was 29 years old & happily married to Sergio Barraza. The couple were fast approaching their Five year wedding anniversary on Feb. 1st, 2019. They had a home located on Cedar Walk Drive, a quiet suburb in Tomball, Texas.

Liz was a huge fan of Star Wars & Harry Potter. She and Sergio were not simply sideline fans, either. Both were officially inducted member’s of the prestigious 501st Legion, an international and highly dedicated group of fans with remarkable talent for creating life like Costumes. Liz, or member TB-93474 as she was known in 501st circles, wasn’t just a member, She was the local chapters event coordinator. She would be first to happily volunteer a vast amount of her own free time to go visit hospitals dressed as a Star Wars Storm Trooper to entertain extremely ill children, just to make them smile. Liz was also obsessed with Harry Potter, describing herself once as a big geek.

So when Friday, Jan 25th of 2019 rolled around, they were 48 hours away from a planned trip to mark Five years together. The couple planned to celebrate this milestone with a trip to Florida’s Universal Studios, to visit the wonderful world of Harry Potter attraction. Liz was so excited to be going that as Dawn was about to break on Friday Morning, Liz had her suitcase packed ready and even made a special pair of Harry Potter shoes to go with.

Made for the trip Liz was so excited to be taking
All packed and ready. Sadly, a coward would see to it she, and her suitcase, never got on that plane to Orlando

Life for the Barraza’s could not be going much better and these were good times….. Until they weren’t.

Enter the Coward!

Friday, Jan 25th and Liz has decided to hold a last minute garage sale to raise a few extra dollars for the trip they leave for that Sunday. It’s approx. 06:45am when Liz begins placing tables and items out on the driveway in front of her Home. Sergio is giving her a hand but at exactly 06:48am, Sergio has to leave for work. He Kisses his wife, tells her He loves her, then climbs into his truck and leaves.

Not even Five minutes later, Four to be precise, at 06:52 am, a Neighbours Exterior CCTV Camera captures a black Nissan Frontier Pro 4X crew cab truck driving fairly slowly down Cedar Walk Drive. As it approaches the Barraza residence the truck slows, but doesn’t stop. Liz is in her drive still setting the items out on tables as the truck continues on, out of the camera range.

However, around 30 seconds later, headlights appear to sweep over the Barraza neighbours front lawn, as you would expect to see if a vehicle was executing a 3 point turn. The lights line up on road again and the front of the truck comes into view and stops outside of the Barraza’s Neighbour’s. Out of that truck steps an individual who appears to be wearing knee high white boots, possible wig and a long flowing bathrobe type garment.

The Coward approaches an unsuspecting and unarmed Liz.

The figure hurriedly approaches Liz, stopping in front of her as they draw a gun from beneath the robe.

At arm’s length, they point it directly at Elizabeth. Liz takes a step backwards but by now, its too late. The figure then utters a few words that are picked up on the doorbell camera’s microphone. Then that same nest cam picks up another far more horrifying sound. Shots! Three of them in rapid succession. This is made all the more brutal as Liz is heard screaming as the first through the 3rd shots ring out. Then, awkward silence hung in the air for a brief moment before a Fourth and final shot rings out.

Switching back to the neighbours CCTV camera shows the reason for the Three rapid shots, then a gap, then the Fourth. Elizabeth, an unarmed and defenceless Woman in her own driveway, had just been gunned down with Four shots at point blank range.

The first three shots hit Liz in the mid to upper body, the impact force causes Her to be taken off her feet and she falls backward onto the ground. As Liz lay there helpless and unable to defend herself, the person is seen stepping forward & standing right over Liz before aiming at her head & firing a fourth and final shot. This bullet struck Liz in the face, just above her top lip.

Shooter then turns, and like any good coward would, they run back to their truck and drive away.

The Coward running away
The Coward driving away

Liz was left there by this piece of shit coward on her own in that driveway critically injured, but still alive. I have said elsewhere that even if Liz was a selfish, horrible and inconsiderate person, even then she would not deserve to die that way. The fact she was none of those things and was actually a selfless, compassionate, caring and sweet lady, that makes what happend to her even more reprehensible. The person who did this to Elizabeth, they CANNOT be allowed to get away with this!

Above: A home owner of Cedar Walk Drive snaps photos of the 911 emergency response that morning. The photo above shows a HCSO car turning into Princeton Place Drive and passing the Goddard School and overtaking one of its school busses.

Incidentally, that very school bus passed by Liz’s house 20, maybe 25 minutes, before she was shot.

Below: The two photos capture the immediate aftermath of Liz’s shooting, the second of which shows Life Flight leaving the area with Liz on board.

Above: A beautiful morning darkened by such a repulsive act of evil.

Help requested. If anyone has the ability to run these VINs to determine who the seller and/or the buyers were for the red dotted Frontiers listed below, would you please email me to discuss further at my email address :

Incidentally, one of the trucks below is in pristine condition with a couple hundred miles on the clock only. Wheres has the truck been stored, and why?

Thank you in advance …

New HCSO Open Records Request: June, 2023.

In mid May, 2023, I noticed that a tribute to Liz by her Friend Merci had a different case number in the appeal she made at the end of her request. This was a different case number to the one released and cleared up why the case status on the other was given as, Closed. It turns out it’s due to that one being closed, and another opened. Here are just some of the released pages for the moment, there are more I have and the rest are currently with the Attorney Generals office for review and opinion on their release.

Criminal Psychology.

The person who murdered Liz, no matter the motive, is not a healthy minded individual. Liz may have said or did something that the rest of us wouldn’t give a second thought to, not realising how much it enraged and infuriated this person who ended up killing her.

As to the Motive in general. . .

We all, myself included, want to know why? Why murder Liz, whats the motive? I think we half expect sometimes that if told the true motive everything will suddenly make sense.

Truth is, murder is never a rational decision or reasonable response to anything. So while I may understand why A murdered B for money, on the same note, I don’t understand why A killed B for money, If that makes sense. There is no logic or reason when you deal with insanity and chaos.

I am confident that the individual responsible will be the type to follow this case for any potential Law Enforcement developments and also, what’s written on forums and websites about this case and the opinions and theories people offer. I know you will read this because to borrow a phrase from ISPs Doug Carter. . . "We know this is about Power to you! And you wanna know what we know, and one day. . . You will!"

And so, this is directly to you, the coward responsible....

I won’t understand it, but still want to know…. Why? Why would you murder a defenceless, unarmed woman in an act of cold blooded contemptuous murder? What did she ever do to you that was so bad that you did that to her? Elizabeth’s Father was right, your a coward!

Elizabeth’s memory will live on stronger than ever in the hearts & minds of those who knew and loved Her, and nothing that the coward who took her life does, can ever change that.

Below: Friends and Family of Elizabeth unite as one to support each other.

Friends and family gather at the house where Liz was senselessly gunned down.

Sergio is still, almost 3 years later, doing TV and radio interviews, updating social media asking anyone who knows anything to please help & various other things he is doing to ensure His late wife is not forgotten. He recalled through tears and clear anguish in an interview for Dateline:

"I held her hand all the way. All the way to the end and then.... then I had to slowly let her go."

Below: Sergio holds Liz’s hand as she tragically passes away.

I spoke to Sergio recently and I want to dispell rumours and accusations aimed at His new wife, Amber. Sergio and Amber did not meet nor know each other until mid 2020. Amber had nothing to do with Liz’s murder.

Sergio also said:

Hey Alex, I read your message and looks like a good idea but let me speak to Bob about it. We are both taking a united approach to this and want to make sure we are on the same page before doing something regarding the case.

Also I appreciate you taking up for my wife Amber on how people are accusing her. We are both very hurt and sad that people think this about us. I still care deeply for Liz and Amber knows this and respects it too. Amber and I met random online in mid 2020 so I have no idea how people are making these connections but it’s out of our control. We both just want this case solved and justice for Liz.

Once again thank you for your kindness it’s much appreciated.”

No problem Sergio, it’s the least I can do.

Elizabeth's Father, Bob Nuelle Jr, said as he fought back tears at a memorial for Liz:

“My daughter spent the majority of her adult life spreading joy and happiness to the people she knew and loved, until a coward walked up and murdered my daughter."

A proud Father walking his daughter, who looks beautiful, down the isle.

A Father's message:

Precinct 4: What do they know?

About a week back I was contacted by an individual via the Liz Barraza sleuth Facebook group. Kaylee Palmer, a licenced PI , had possession of a full report from a Constable out of precinct 4. Whats been discovered, among many other things, is the following.

As can be seen in the above, A Be on the Lookout, or BOLO, was issued at 07:00am, a short five minutes after the killers truck was last sighted headed East Bound on Cedar Walk at 06:55am. Shortly after the BOLO is issued, at 07:05am, a Deputy radios that he’s traveling south bound on Kuykendhal road and is behind a vehicle matching the BOLO, a black Nissan Truck.

The deputy follows for several minutes, likely waiting for other units to catch up given the suspect is armed, before at 07:10am Deputy George Henson of Precinct 4, stops the Nissan Truck at 6225 FM2920. Then, the officers enter the truck, acquire the occupants details and run them, along with the vehicle VIN, through their database. We are not told of the resulting outcome, and nothing more is said in the public release version.

Above. Dpty. Henson, a K-9 officer out of Precinct 4, initiated the traffic stop.

UPDATE, Jan 2023.

Huge thanks to Maria Solomon and Dpty Henson for this update!

Last week I was contacted by a lady by the name of Maria Soloman, who is local to the Tomball area and contacted me to ask is there anything she could do to help me in researching this case. She, like myself, said she just wants Justice for Liz.

I replied to her email that there is something she could do and I explained that I had asked HCC4 for details of the Black Nissan stopped on FM2920. I had asked for tag and details of owner to which they refused. I then asked for general information in the form of two questions,.

1. How many occupants were in the truck you stopped?
2. Did you find anything you considered suspicious of incriminating?

HCC4 came back to say that is information I can get yes, however, I would need to speak with Dpty. George Henson who initiated the traffic stop. So, me being in the UK it wasnt plausible so when Maria emailed me I asked her could she try contacting Dpty H and ask him the two questions above.

Yesterday, on 03rd Jan, 2023, I received an email that reads as follows -

"Hi Alex!

So I spoke to Deputy Hansen today. Very nice guy.

The driver of the frontier was the only occupant in the vehicle and has a solid work related alibi. He noted nothing suspicious about the stop. He would not give me the name/tag number etc, understandable, but stated that the driver lives south of the area. (I’m assuming south of 2920). He is not a suspect.

The 3 Barraza names that were ran after the stop were not related to the stop. That’s all he would tell me about that." End quote and email.

This is a great development because now we can say we know that the Nissan stopped on FM 2920 was simply an innocent motorist on his way to work.

H.C.S.O: What do they know?

In Sept of 2022 I filed a request with the Harris County Sheriffs Office for the release of their own incident report. HCSO forwarded my Request to The Attorney Generals Office for review.

Here now, for the first time, is that incident report in full -

The link below is to a video collaboration between Myself and Arrin Stoner. I’m taking a bit of a liberty in that comment because Arrin did all the work creating the video itself, I just drop my own thoughts in now and then. However, if interested in looking at the report above in more detail, the link is below.

At this point, I’d like to offer my condolences, one year late as they may be, to the family of Gabriela Bozeman. Gabriela was resident of 8614 Cedar Walk Drive when Liz was murdered on Jan 25th, 2019 and without Justin & Gabby’s CCTV camera, what’s become known as “The Bozeman footage", that captured the murder on video, we likely wouldn’t know half as much as we do now.

In what can only be described as an ironic coincidence, Gabriela Bozeman passed away in a single vehicle accident three years almost to the day of Liz’s passing with Gabriela Bozeman passing away Jan 23rd, 2022.

That above a lot to take in all at once. Firstly, I want to address The Officers claim that Sergio didn’t ask about his wife, how she was and when he can go to the hospital. There were numerous police officers coming and going that morning, most of which Sergio had,in fact, asked them about His wife’s condition.

We simply hear from the one or two he didn’t ask and, in fact, if you go back to page 7 where the Dpty. talks of speaking to Sergio via the nest camera Intercom system, the Dpty. makes a comment that the male identified himself as the home owner and he kept asking was his wife ok.

In the above Sergio is referring to not liking the comment because it is not true that he never enquired about Liz & told me yesterday the first thing he did was ask several officers when he got back home where Liz had been taken and how she was doing.

My thoughts and opinion on several things that stand out:

Page 13…

I have to assume that Dpty VILLALOBOS has made a mistake here, either that or the home CCTV system she is referring to is a day off in its date. If there’s been no mistake by The Dpty, and no error in date has been made, then the Nissan Frontier was captured in that area at 12:30am on Jan 26th, a full Seventeen hours after Liz was shot. If that is correct, then it would have had to have been hidden somewhere close by for them 17 hours.

Above. The camera that captures the images you see below.

There is a reason to believe this may actually be the case because there does appear to be two separate pieces of CCTV footage from the same camera with one being colour (just at sunrise so the camera is in day vision mode) and another second piece of footage in black & white, clearly suggesting it’s now night time and the camera is filming in night vision mode. Is the colour footage from the morning around the time Liz was shot, then the black & white footage from 12:30am the following morning as its leaving the area? We would need to ask the footage owner or Prct. 4 Dpty VILLALOBOS.


Note: This is not an official timeline however, it’s given and has been put together based solely and only on the official Precinct 4 Police Report and the Precinct 4 Call and Radio Logs of that morning. These I gained via Kaylee and also direct from Precinct 4 in two additional Open Records Requests.

According to the police radio and call logs from Precinct 4:.

In the radio event log the first call to Law Enforcement is placed by Candi Ellis, according to this, at 06:53:32. First dispatch is given at 06:54:07. The call taker gives brief description stating: "Rep Adv she just heard 4 gun shots going off in the area. Lapse time: 1 minute." Meaning the time passed from the actual shots to the dispatch given.

Meanwhile we know that Mr Duff who lives opposite Liz has ran to his window in time to see the Frontier drive away. By the time he gets to a phone and dials 911 and get through, around a minute has passed. He’s then on that call when 00:58 seconds into it he tell the dispatcher the truck has just driven back by. The time he stated this was logged at 06:55:55 and time lapse from incident to now it reports is "Lapse time: 2 Minutes."

Dispatch gives this info out at 06:54:35: "Rep Adv He heard 4 gun shots coming from the house across from loc given / lapse time 2 minutes. Adv A Black Niss Frontier drove away after the gun shots. Last seen headed East Bound on Cedar walk."

It did actually come back and drove by again going west bound but at the time this dispatch is issued, it had not returned yet so that part is correct as this is given.
07:00:59: "Do BOBO on Vehicle and direction of travel."

Then, shortly after arrival K.S Rugley radios, at 07:02:25: "Rep Adv Veh approached resd, someone got out, shot and sped off in veh"

7am they are asking for BOLO to be issued. However, they know by 06:53:32 and begin their response at 06:54:07.

Considering the frontier doesn’t drive back by Liz till 06:55:55 almost a full two minutes later, my money is on the killer turning onto Princeton and approaching Kuykendhal only to find red traffic lights, possibly other vehicles waiting, too. He stops in the queue and it’s probably now 06:53 going into 06:54.

He’s likely still on Princeton when he hears / sees sirens / lights and being the coward he is, panicked and pulls a U-turn.

Interestingly, he doesn’t take London Way as he seems to be aware police will probably come in that way and Arrin is right it is quicker to turn left off Princeton onto Oconee then back onto Sandusky but you’d have to directly pass London way going that way. If you circle back around on Liz’s block on Cedar, you can avoid London Way altogether.

He seems to know thats where police will more than likely come into the neighbourhood along with Princeton. So he comes off Princeton, turns right onto Oconee and then onto Cedar and passes back by the house.

The huge advantage of doing this is he can avoid passing or being seen by any cops coming in on London way. Similar to Brogan refusal in preference of the cul-de-sac and green belt. I spoke to Dylan, the home owner with the footage who lived across from Brogan Court, to ask him did the truck return after speeding toward that culdesac? Dylan said. . .

Dylan's response indicates the truck seems to have gone off road at the culdesac

This sounds to me like someone who is very familiar with that area and seems to know where police will likely come in and he avoids these roads to exit the neighbourhood knowing he can drive all the way to Sandusky cul-de-sac and go off road where police won’t be and exit, as Bob said, far down the road at the kiosk on Kuykendhal.

I told Sergio about this shortly after discovering the video and speaking to Dylan that I believed the killer had gone off road onto the green belt area. Sergio replied …

I gave Sergio the video after he asked if I'd seen it or it was word of mouth.

I believe Ms Ellis and Mr Duff’s super quick thinking matched only by LE’s almost instantaneous response literally forced the killer to take Sandusky Drive to that culdesac. The killer/s would have to have known that to take Princeton and/or London way/Brogan Court would take them directly head on with descending law enforcement.

Yellow lines show the roads Police entered the Sub-Division, London Way and Princeton Place.
Red line shows the killers route out of the Sub-Division.
As is clear, going that way evades the responding police vehicles.

In summation, He/They were forced to go that way because they had no other choice or option. Sandusky was not their initial choice of escape, that was clearly Princeton and onto Kuykendhal. Something happened to change that and I believe that something was Mr Duff and Ms Ellis, combined with Law Enforcement all acting so quickly to report the crime, and the latter in it’s response to it.

To Mr Duff, Ms Ellis, the other neighbour across the street who put himself in danger by running to Liz’s aid , the law enforcement officers of Precinct 4 and HCSO, thank you to all of you. You all deserve so much credit for such speedy reactions that morning, actions that seem to have forced the killer’s hand in changing his initial plan.


Black Nissan Frontiers registered in Tomball. . .

In August of 2022, we obtained a list from the DMV of all black Nissan Frontiers that were registered in, or leased to, residents in Tomball, TX around the time Liz was murdered. I say We obtained because Laura Babin offered and then contributed half of the DMVs costs in creating such a list and to you Laura, can’t say thank you enough for helping. Anyway, Here is that list with Vehicle VINs.

Thank you to the TX-DMV, Laura and Kaylee for all the help and research assisting.

The lady I spoke with at Texas Dpt. of Motor Vehicles was so nice and so helpful that I want to say a public thank you to Trish, you really were so so helpful.

"Is She Dead?"

Recently, in July of 2022, I sent an MP3 audio file taken direct from the HCSO YouTube release of the nest doorbell camera footage and audio, to audio/sound engineers to see if they could help clean the audio by removing as much background noise as possible and cleaning the sound. My goal for this was in hopes of being able to hear the few seconds of footage where the Shooter speaks to Liz and hopefully, determine what was said.

You can hear him a bit clearer speaking to Liz but this quicky fell into a secondary category of importance when a male voice asks, clear as day toward the end of the clip, “Is She Dead?” Who it is saying it, I have no idea. The killer has run back to his truck and is nowhere near the nest camera now so it’s not his voice. I am not going to speculate on who it is, where they are, how we hear this said etc, suffice it is to say that I simply know one thing, someone is asking the question “Is She dead?” This must mean there is more than one person involved in this because if “Is she dead?” is being asked in direct relation to Elizabeth, then who is the person asking, or who are they putting such a question to? They have to be asking another person.

Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum!

Let Justice be Done, Though the Heaven’s Fall!

A favourite Latin Law Maxim of mine which signifies a strong and true belief in the consequences of justice being done,whatever they may be, are not relevant for the need of justice being done.

And so it will be, that come Jan 2024, it will be five years since Liz was killed. Five years without justice for her. Liz was not given the chance to mark her five year wedding anniversary by taking a trip to Orlando, FL. A coward murdered her two days before she was to leave for that trip.

How fitting it would be for Liz and Her Family if someone who has information comes forward so we can stop this person being able to mark their own fifth year of freedom they don’t deserve

This page is written with hopes of bringing attention to this case and finding justice for Elizabeth. She deserves nothing less! What pulled up, stepped out, and walked up that driveway that morning was everything that Liz was not. The killer was selfish, Liz was extremely giving. The Killer had nothing but evil intent, Liz made her life mission to help others and do good. The killer is a coward, Liz was a strong, confident woman. The killer is not worth talking about here, Elizabeth Nuelle Barraza, you most certainly are!

To end, I would like to say:

This remarkable young lady, who she was and the things that she did, have had a profound impact on me. Since learning of Elizabeth’s case mid to late 2020 there isn’t one day that has gone by that I haven’t googled her name, hoping against hope to see a positive update.

Even in death She saved, and helped to save, the lives of Four other people by donating her organs. This young lady is such an inspiration that if we can aspire to be just One Tenth as kind, thoughtful and compassionate as Elizabeth was, that can only be a good thing for all of us.

Yes, there’s a sadness. . . But then, there’s always hope. Then. . . then you realise that what really matters, are others. . . way more so than yourself. Ego goes away. There are so many amazing people to be grateful for, that’s what life is about!” Robin Williams.

This page is written to honour and remember the life of a young woman who gave freely never wanting anything in return but did for others. . . just because she could. Her loss has been felt by so many people, not least of which by Liz's best friend, Marci. Marci has written some beautiful tributes for Liz, and the pain and hurt at losing Liz is evident in her posts. This one below is a beautifully written tribute to her best friend:

A beautiful soul taken too soon.

In Loving Memory of -

🌹🌹Elizabeth M. Nuelle Barraza🌹🌹

June 26th, 1989 - January 26th, 2019.

If you have any information that can help the family find Justice for Elizabeth, Crime Stoppers of Houston is offering a $50,000 Reward.

On behalf of Sergio, he is asking that If anyone wished to donate to good cause, one set up to honour Liz and her Memory by Liz’s best friend Marci, then please go to

Thank you.

Theories, speculation and facts of potential interest.

If you were A Homicide Det. and you had a case assigned to you with your boss stating the case you are to investigate has the murder, The murderer, The murderers truck & the murderers voice all recorded from two different camera sources, you would likely think you’d have a suspect in custody by the end the week with that type of evidence. Yet, between both the Harris County Sheriffs Office and The Texas Rangers, they have not just failed to make an arrest, they failed to come up with one single suspect!

How can this be?

The crime,Offender, his truck and voice all available in recorded footage? The residents said that truck stood out to them because its so uncommon in those parts, it not being a Ford nor Chevy. So much so that witnesses reported seeing that very truck the night before casing the block. This was verified via CCTV.

All locals, Including LE, have said that the truck the killer is driving is itself extremely uncommon in that area as Its not a Ford or Chevy. The shooter has to know, or at least assume, that as soon as he starts shooting, he and his truck will be observed by witnesses and LE will be summoned & given a description of his truck. LE will then immediately issue a BOLO for it, and likely so within minutes. Keep this in mind when asking the following questions...

How far away is this individual going to risk driving when fleeing? As soon as LE are notified with a description of that vehicle , you would have to know that a several mile radius of road blocks are coming in response at the very least.

So ask yourself, how long would you want to be out on road for in the immediate aftermath if you have just shot someone driving a truck that you have to assume police have been notified and given a description of? Then, let’s assume you do hit one of those roadblocks, how will you explain why your dressed in a bathrobe with knee high white boots and wearing a wig with a revolver in the glove box with 4 empty Chambers and 2 live rounds? "Officer.... I can explain!" will be met with "Yeah? Do so from the road markings, get on the ground, now!"

He isn’t going far dressed like that in that truck and given he was seen and caught on cam the night before and in the early hours around 2:00am driving in and around the block where Liz lived, he has to have come from somewhere before then returning back to that somewhere to await the next morning when Sergio leaves. He surely isn’t going to simply park up in a random street 3 blocks away and sit there 10 to 12 hours, with the odd 2am check in on Liz’s home, waiting till Fri Morning.

No, for me, and this is obviously pure speculation on my part, He’s cased Elizabeth’s street and home Thurs Night, then gone back to wherever he came from which would have to be close enough to easily return to Cedar Walk Drive that Friday morning.

This was something I said long before I saw Dylan’s video and the truck heading down toward that cul-de-sac so maybe he went that way for a reason, but who knows?

This is no random attack nor mistaken Identity, Elizabeth was obviously the target but, why? By whom? For What?

Thursday Jan 24th, 2019 - 07:23pm

I was recently contacted by a person who wishes to remain anonymous, a wish I shall respect by calling this person “Alan”.

Alan contacted me to say he had one of the many clips that Law Enforcement refer to of a similar truck seen in the area the night prior to the murder. If the pictured truck is what people are referring to as "Similar truck" that they think could have been the murderers, then this one is certainly not the killer. The truck pictured is the frontier's sister truck, the Nissan Titan, pro-4X Crew Cab. That is not the killers

The still below is from a short Sixteen Second clip that shows the truck come into the cul-de-sac, make two loops or circles, then drive away.

It was rather baffling to Me why the driver makes two circles before leaving but then I thought, that is maybe what you would do if you were looking for an address and don’t know the area. He / She clearly has something in the bed of the truck, so likely looking for the home it’s to be delivered to.

Above: Going in circles? Truck captured the night prior to the murder on CCTV Thursday, Jan 24th in 2019. To “Alan”, thank you and your gesture is very much appreciated.

Male vs Female shooter.

What we do know about the Offender in this case is so little that there is still uncertainty as to the gender of the shooter. For me, the voice picked up by the nest doorbell cam mic. is, unless it’s been deliberately distorted, a male voice.

Liz was 5’ 2 and the shooter is standing right in front of her with boots on and yet whomever he is (if it is indeed a man) he is no taller than Elizabeth. If it could be determined as an absolute fact the shooter is a man, then just his height alone would narrow the suspect pool considerably. He’s short at 5' 2 to 5’ 5, slim build, fit and athletic (the way he turns and sprints back to the truck.)

To give you a visual idea of how short this man would be, the photo below is from Elizabeths wedding day. All the men in this photo are a good head height taller than Liz, who was short at 5' 2 / 5' 3. This is the only thing that makes me question if the shooter really is a man, or, based on height and body type, a woman.

The photo above gives you an idea of how this person, if it’s a man, would be really short in stature. In the photo below, the shooter is almost within arm’s reach of Liz, standing right in front of her AND wearing boots which are likely to elevate the height of that person two or three inches and yet, as is evidenced, they still are not any taller than Elizabeth…

Garage sale.

Many have made a big thing out of Liz having a garage sale that day and suggest this was a set up to get Her outside. People also ask how the killer could have otherwise known the sale was happening and Liz would be out there unless having prior knowledge?

The answer to the above two questions is likely: He didn’t know she was having a sale and He didn’t know Liz would be outside. Nothing we know of lends credibility to the killer being aware of the yard sale, there’s simply no evidence for it one way or the other.

If you watch the footage as he comes down the street, he’s driving at a consistent speed until he is just about level with Liz’s neighbours Lawn. At this point he sees Liz & the trucks rear red lights brighten as he brakes sharply. To me this suggests he wasn’t expecting to see her outside, especially setting up tables and items.

If he already knew Liz would be outside before he got there then why drive past the house, go down the street, turn around, come back, stop, exit & walk over? If he knows she out there, surely hes coming down with his gown already on and the rest of the Kill Kit and would have stopped on his initial drive down the street and got out and walked over to her?

I spoke with Sergio about this yesterday to clarify the time Liz would usually leave and told him why I was asking. Sergio and I seem to be on the same page with this in believing this sale was simply a coincidence. As He pointed out -

I agree with him on this. They didn’t advertise via social media as Liz had called in sick to work that day. I think, and again this part is simply my personal opinion, that the killer went there that Friday to be extra cruel to Liz by knowing how excited she was to be jetting off to Orlando that Sunday and so they went there Friday to make sure she never got to experience The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando. To me this screams personal, like the fact he spoke to her before He shot her. This person is someone she knows or he knows her and for whatever reason, is consumed with envy and jealousy at what Liz has and how good life for her & Sergio is. This point here, the fact this bastard did this to stop Liz going to experience something she absolutely loved, this plays a big part in why I want to see this person caught so badly!

It’s Ten to Seven!

During the time the truck arrives driving down CEDAR WALK, the ring doorbell cam microphone seems to be picking up a two way conversation. The audio is coming from places and people unknown. All I’m sure myself is, its there & it isn’t ambient random noise or a TV in the background becauae of what’s being said.

Here is A link to that audio boosted so Its easier to hear. I will add a transcript of what I hear after the link but listen to the audio first, see what you can hear, then read what I hear and see how close the two are….

Transcript of conversation / voices of Female talking to Male...

00:29, F. "Its Ten to Seven."
00:48, F. " Please!"
00:57, M. "Someone gonna Kill your Neighbour!
01:03, F. "Please!! It’s not true!
M "Yes it is, it’s *Unintelligible

01:11 — At this point the shooter steps out of his truck. Contrary to popular belief, Liz does not spontaneously speak to him first. Her “Morning" is said in response to Him saying something to her as he’s walking into his own Headlight beams. Turn up your volume on the enhanced audio and listen closely at exactly 01:11. It sounds like he says something like: “Great, yup?” or “Great, your up"

01:13: Liz replies to him 'Morning'
01:15 shooter again speaks & sounds like - “Fuck, yep!”
01:21:" Liz: "Ohhh" (I think this is likely when Liz realised who it was)
01:25 shooter “You Know who I am! Unintelligible.” Sounds something like or similar to Aron or Errol.

Audio Forensic Services.

I recently sent the doorbell cam footage to the above named company asking them if they think they can clean the sound and bring what is being said, specifically by the Killer At 01:25, from a muffled background Unintelligible few words into the foreground and legible. This is what they wrote after listening to MP4 file i had sent them:


A little unpublished fact with potential big implications.

On the morning of the murder, Sergio said in a radio interview that Liz had went out that morning to get a coffee from Starbucks. If this was at a time when the killer was in the area watching the house as many assume he did waiting for Sergio to leave, then how did the killer know Liz was not off to work and that she would be coming back?

The killer May have followed her to starbucks and back so it would be really interesting to have seen the CCTV of Liz leaving Cedar Walk And arriving at Starbucks to see if a black Nissan Frontier pulled in anywhere near by.

If the killer saw Liz leaving and simply stayed put waiting for her return, they would have to be in Liz’s inner circle, or know someone who was, to know she was not on her way to work and that she would be coming right back.

Alternatively, and this is the scenario I give most credence to, Liz wasn’t killed as she left for, and came back from, Starbucks because He wasn’t there at that time. Having watched the hour or so footage of the nest cam leading up to the murder, it shows Liz leave and return. She walks to her car and gets in and sits there for a good 3 to 4 minutes on her phone before she leaves.

If the killer was there watching the house, there is your perfect opportunity. Liz was essentially a sitting duck for a would be shooter to walk up and shoot her when it’s still much darker than it will be when he does actually shoot her.

Also, upon Liz’s return, she parks her car on the street and gets out and walks on the sidewalk and turns into her drive. This again would be a perfect chance to strike it he were there both for driving up on Liz as she got out and stopping to shoot her, or stop, get out and shoot her as she’s right there on the street.

My personal conclusion? He isn’t in the vicinity and hes not watching the house. What that would tell me is he is likely to know the routine of Liz and Sergio. This is backed up by the fact he arrives as Sergio leaves. He may have been planning to walk up and kill Liz as he believed she would be walking to her car to go to work. When he realised she isn’t going, he drives down street, turns, and comes back to do it then. Either way, based on circumstantial pointers, it seems like he knows the Barraza’s routine which didn’t require him to sit and watch the house.

Liz leaving for Starbucks that morning -


In both the doorbell cam footage of the truck arriving, and then independently again on the neighbours CCTV of the truck as its leaving the scene, there’s an odd bar or tube of light visible through drivers window.

Killers arrival captured via The Barraza’s nest doorbell camera.

Killer Fleeing caught on neighbours Home CCTV Camera.

If anyone can come up with what that is other than a lightsaber, I would love to hear the suggestions.

The light-saber is a trademark and recognised the World over by Star Wars fans as probably the most popular and easily recognisable of all the futuristic weaponry it’s villains and Hero’s use. Just as unique and recognisable as the weapons, are the villainous characters who use them.

Above: Star Wars Character Princess Leia.

So, what’s the shooter wearing? Princess Leia costume? Her attire certainly fits the killers long, white flowing gown.

Having changed contrast, brightness, sharpness etc without altering anything in the actual screen capture, as the killer turns to run you can briefly see for a single frame, their face or something like a mask that covers thier face. Is this why the doorbell cams microphone picked up Liz saying morning so clear, and yet He when he speaks, sounds so muffled?

The Murder & CCTV.

I have edited together a small 53 second video that shows the shooting from the neighbours CCTV Camera across the street. Unlike the available footage, this has the audio from the Barraza’s nest cam played in sync over the murder and shots. Here is the link to the age restricted link. I post in hope’s that when you see this, it will cause a similar response in you that it did, and still does, in me. Outrage, anger and disgust are three of many emotions I feel when I see this. For this to have happened to such a caring and kind young woman and not have the killer brought to justice is to bring society and it’s very concept into question. Be warned, the following depicts a homicide on video:

What type of person could do this?

“I hope your heart is heavy, I hope you can’t sleep at night, and you know we’re never gonna stop looking for you. There is no statute of limitations on this!” Wallace Wyatt, Harris County Sheriffs Office.

In regard to them losing sleep, I very much doubt that Wallace. Sociopathic and psychopathic individuals and/or your cluster B personality disordered types can shoot you at 7am and go home to have breakfast at 8 with their own family, just like you and I could nip to the local store and back and quickly forget we had made that trip because its simply not significant to us for a cause to remember it to a point of losing sleep.

That’s how the sociopath operates when it comes to nipping out to murder the odd person they think deserve it, no big deal. Cluster B types such as Narcissistic Personality Disordered people, be they overt or covert, believe they have a special entitlement to do what they like to a person they may target. If they are caught and outed for who they are and what they have done they will revert to the role of Victim.

Those who have disassociated, Histrionic and especially Narcissistic Personality Disorders are know to have total lack of empathy with a self entitled right that us non specials, as they see it, don’t have & therefore can’t understand them on the same, most special level.

The sociopath doesn’t cause harm because they want to or enjoy it, its done as a simple means to an end for them. They won’t spend time feeling any remorse, Guilt or empathy. That is where sociopathic types are distinguishable from Psychopathic in that both lack empathy, but a psychopathic person will enjoy the pain they cause to others.

Cluster B, Those who have disassociated, Histrionic and especially Narcissistic Personality Disorders, they would have this type of skewed logic when thinking…

You don’t understand, Elizabeth said my storm trooper costume wasn’t up to 501st legion standards so she started it by being nasty and all I did was shoot her four times to scare her. It’s not my fault She went and died, I didn’t want her to die.”

The above sounds absurdly ridiculous because to a healthy mind, it is just that, ridiculous. To an individual whom Liz may have advised to attend to detail a tad more at a cosplay event for example, this would mean nothing to you and I but said to the wrong person? It’s now the End of the World.

“Only a Coward would do such a thing!”

I have borrowed from Supt. Doug Carter in the Delphi Case the statement above to speak directly to the murderer of Elizabeth.

I know the type of individual you are. I know your a cowardly sociopath without any question because you have to be to do what you’ve done and carry on your existence day to day, I won’t say life because yours is not that, it’s just to exist. Void of the very thing that makes the rest of us real human beings, love, compassion, care and concern, to feel what another would and does and because you cannot, I have somewhat of a pity for you.

If you had a shred of true humanity about you then handing yourself in wouldn’t even be something to contemplate or a decision to make. My guilt, my conscience and my utter shame would haunt me so badly every minute of every waking day that I would be driven to hand myself in. My conscience would force me to do so. You dont have this issue, your emotionally dead.

You probably have The God Complex, too. Murdering Liz may have made you feel powerful, even God Like. You may believe your all mighty and powerful,but thats just the psychosis. Back here in reality where the rest of us live? Reality Check. . . .JUST A COWARD!!

To the k

Justice Delayed truly IS, Justice Denied!

I gave this page the tagine of “Justice Delayed…” due to this murder being unsolved for fast approaching 3 years now. Its a sad fact that in this case there is no finger print to crosscheck, no shell casings to analyse against a potential murder weapon and no DNA available to enter into CODIS nor trace via sites like ancestry.

There is no break coming in this case from any evidence the Sheriffs Office already have. The only way this case is going to be solved now is if there is a 2nd person other than the shooter who knows what the shooter has done, and decide to go to law enforcement.

Justice Delayed really does get more and more likely to result in justice denied because with every day that passes, the statistical probability of the case being solved gets slimmer and slimmer.

Directly to the person who may have knowledge of who murdered Elizabeth. . . .

You know Liz did not deserve to be gunned down like that, She was a good woman who would have helped you if you needed her help. I hope you find it within yourself to help Elizabeth now that she & Her family need it to get justice and some sort of closure.

You really need to understand just how dangerous this person that did this is. If they can do that to Liz, they can do it to anybody including you. You need to know that if this person thinks you are a liability to them as the only person who can send them directly to the gurney and needle then believe me, they won’t give murdering you a second thought.

I am not saying this hoping to scare you into going to authorities, I’m saying it because it’s the truth. Elizabeth can’t go to police herself, tragically its too late for Her now but you, you still have the chance to get away from this utter psychopathic and evil coward and do what you know you have to. Don’t put this off any longer because I assure you, He won’t if he thinks you are a liability.

I wish I could tell Liz now. . .

For every one bad person there are 1000 good. They and I want this vile coward that did this to you off the street and behind bars. I give you my word we won’t stop until that happens, or we die trying.

For what this evil individual did to you, and the fact they still roam free . . .

I am so, so sorry!

I give you My Word!

Mary Santina Collins

A Voice for Mary. . .

Please support Mary’s Voice, its such a good cause and all they want is your support. Mary Santina Collins was a 20 year old young lady with cognitive impairment that resulted in learning & development difficulties. Due to this, mary trusted people unable to see any bad in them and Not one, nor two, and not even three but four vile and repulsive people took advantage of this and stabbed her one hundred thirty three times!

You want the best bit? They have let two of the four bond out !! I am sorry, words don’t often fail me and they haven’t this time either, it’s just there are no words to use to express how absolutely disgusting & disgraceful it is, not to mention an absolute insult to Mary, who like Liz is a truly innocent victim, and those who loved her!

Join Mary Cause and give Mary a voice. To the political powers in NC…. THE WORLD IS WATCHING!

I spoke with the family and friends who run Mary’s Voice and reading their words in response to my message i instantly felt the hurt and pain that this family is going through….

Mary's Voice

Please, I implore you the reader, if you do nothing else today, show support for Mary and the outrage it is that all four cowards are eligible for bond, and two are, as we speak, on the streets. I am literally lost for words. The Judge who have these cowards bond needs to be removed from their position for their utter incompetence!

“Let Justice be Done, Though the Heavens Fall!”

For Both Mary and Elizabeth!

My other site and case I’ve written about is The Bay Area’s killer who, up to present day, is still unknown by His actual name & known only by his self given pseudonym:


I was a consultant for the History Channel mini series: Hunt for the Zodiac Killer.

A short preview of the series can been seen here:

I’ve also taken part in other Zodiac topic related documentaries and projects…

