How I’m Seduced And Hesitant To Use Artificial Intelligence

Personal thoughts on this truly Wicked Situation/Question!

Barry Overeem
3 min readAug 4, 2023


Based on this article by Keith McCandless, Nancy Wright White, S. Fisher Qua, Henri Lipmanowicz, Elise Keith, and Philip Clark, my mind started thinking about the following Wicked Question:

How is it that I’m both seduced AND hesitant to use AI in my work? 🤔

I love creating new stuff. ❤️ New content, new products, new workshops, etc. In short, I love introducing innovative work to teams, organizations, and our community. Ideally, everyone immediately embraces our innovations.

At the same time, I’m a super slow adopter of innovations myself. Even if I clearly see the potential of something new, I tend to wait a long time before actually using it. What if… it doesn’t work, it causes problems, I don’t like it… 😨

Right now, I’m facing the same situation with AI. I definitely see its potential, but I’m also noticing feelings of fear & hesitance to fully embrace it.

With the Agile/Scrum Team Survey, Christiaan Verwijs and I developed a technical framework that could also be used in other domains. Domains that are totally not related to Scrum.

For example, use the technology to develop a survey for healthcare, climate change, or education 🎓. Domains we’re not the experts in, and can’t write content for. AI could support us to create this content, which we can have reviewed by people that actually work in these fields of work.

This is an example of how I’m seduced.

At the same time, I’m hesitant because I’m afraid the content will lose our ‘unique touch’ and ‘signature’ ✍️. Something I like to believe our work offers and distinguishes us from competitors.

It’s super easy to generate tons of LinkedIn content with AI, but where’s the fun in that? And, readers that are familiar with our work can probably (hopefully) recognize our unique work and AI-generated work.

What scares me is that you can also train a personalized AI in such a way this difference becomes smaller and smaller…

Anyhow, I’ve got many other trains of thought about AI and its potential.

In short, how is it that I’m seduced AND hesitant to use AI in my work, simultaneously? 🤔

A perfect Wicked Question!

How do you relate to this Wicked Question❓ How does or can AI impact your work❓

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Barry Overeem

Co-founder The Liberators: I create content, provide training, and facilitate (Liberating Structures) workshops to unleash (Agile) teams all over the world!