Fast Entertainment, Stimulation, and Clarity of Mind

Chris Basha
3 min readAug 16, 2021
Photo by ROBIN WORRALL on Unsplash

In recent years, there’s been a visible shift in the realm of social media. They’re breaking away from the chains of social interactions and exploring more ways to help you kill time and keep you happy and satisfied. Platforms have slowly been adding more and more entertainment content to their repertoire of features, and often this appears in the form of an endless stream of short videos.

Short videos seem to be taking a prevalent place among today’s ways of entertainment. If you take a look at the top social apps on the App Store today, you’ll see that most of them use this form of entertainment in one way or another.

TikTok’s primary feature is a stream of short videos, mostly humorous in nature. Instagram now offers Reels, basically their version of TikTok inside of Instagram. Facebook now has a Watch tab that conveniently displays a notification badge to pull you in. Snapchat Discover has been here for quite some time. And even primarily entertainment-based apps like YouTube and Netflix have begun implementing similar features.

From a business perspective, this type of feature — an endless stream of short videos — makes total sense. Infinite scrolls are an effective way to keep users engaged with the product and, by extension, invite more revenue. Why wouldn’t they want to make use of such a feature?



Chris Basha

I write about philosophy, consciousness, mindfulness, and more.