4 min readMar 22, 2016


We hope you are well. We hope you are healthy. Although you may be committed to hating Saudi-Arabia, We do not hate you. We wish well for you, because we do not want to stoop down to your level of misguided hate.

International diplomacy requires a certain degree of compromise between pragmatism and idealism. Pragmatism when taken to its Kissingerarian extremes means that human-rights’ considerations are abnegated in favour of maintaining cordial ties with controversial governments, which is a somewhat callous approach, We’re sure you’ll agree. Conversely, aspirations towards universal human-rights can be at the expense of realism; we simply cannot expect every country with which we communicate or engage to have an irreproachable human-rights’ record. We should do we what we can to encourage countries to adopt democracy as their legislative framework without upsetting their sentiments in the process and whilst respecting their political autonomy. How we would we like it if another country came and preached to us about how we should run our internal affairs?

So this is why we feel your condemnation of Saudi-Arabia is somewhat mindless and counterproductive. Unlike the Islamic-State, the Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia is a legitimate, internationally-recognised, and most importantly, a non-expansionist sovereign-state. On the contrary, Saudi-Arabia is an avowedly isolationist country which prefers to ‘keep themselves to themselves’. His-Royal-Highness and Custodian of the Two Holy-Places, King Abdul-Aziz (rh) once remarked that: “My Kingdom will remain a Kingdom insofar as it remains a state difficult to access, where the foreigner will have no other aim, with his task fulfilled, than to get out.”

Furthermore, Saudi-Arabia does not commit acts of terrorism and genocide nor is it exhibiting a blatant disregard for civilian welfare by devastating populated settlements either in their own territories or neighbouring Yemen (contrary to what the elaborate anti-Saudi propaganda networks may tell you). They are a staunchly pro-Western political entity in addition to being an indispensable ally to our governments, particularly in the fields of countering terrorism and curbing Iran’s dangerous influence throughout the Middle-East. Saudi-Arabia’s various intelligence-agencies have always provided their Western counterparts with valuable information in this regard. Incidentally, His-Royal-Highness King Fahd (rh) once remarked, “After Allah, we can count on the United-States.” Saudi-Arabia’s noble Kings are not austere puritans or unremitting fundamentalist maniacs, they are entirely rational actors who have had a noted propensity for consuming alcohol and gambling in private. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that they admire Western countries and their way of the life, and use religious law as nothing other than a politically-expedient tool to keep their country stable by appeasing the hardline elements and crushing their liberal counterparts — both of which seek to undermine the despotic, albeit pro-American Al-Saud family.

Saudi-Arabia’s commitment to tackling subversive ideological movements (Qutbism/ revolutionary Islamism) cannot be understated. The propagation of unadulterated theocratic thought throughout the Arabian peninsula constitutes an existential threat to the continuity of their kingdom, as a hereditary kingship is perceived widely as an un-Islamic framework that must be overthrown and subsequently replaced with an autocratic Emirate or form part of a Caliphate (an amalgamation of Muslim-majority countries; effectively a superstate), where the legislature is derived predominantly from Islamic scriptural jurisprudence. The dangers of Islamism were laid bare for the Saudis after the events of 1979: the Iranian Revolution and the Grand-Mosque-Seizure, which were both fuelled by anti-Monarchist sentiment.

Thankfully though, the links between our two Kingdoms remain as unbreakable as ever. It is a partnership that has continually born fruit and one that must not be jeopardised by sanctimonious, self-gratifying posturing which masquerades as concern for human-rights; the kind exhibited by the likes of Sunny Hundal and other social commentators who are “armchair experts” and have no real understanding of political necessities. Saudi-Arabia has no reason to support ISIL or Al-Qaeda as it itself has suffered the sanguinary consequences of terrorism on multiple occasions. It should go without saying that terrorism directly threatens Saudi interests, as the objectives of these Salafist-Jihadists is invariably to overthrow corrupt, ‘apostate’ regimes and conquer their territory. Consequently, Saudi has constructed a multi-million dollar fence/wall on the Iraq border to protect their country from encroaching terrorists. Moreover, the Kingdom has participated in airstrikes against terrorists in Syria and has financed the international promulgation of Madkhalism: a controversial, much-maligned variation from traditional Salafism which encourages adherents to obey their leaders, to live by the law of the land and to remain politically ‘quietist’.

So there we have it. Fulminating against Saudi’s despicable human-rights’ record is unnecessary and drawing comparisons to the Islamic-State even more so. It has done a pretty good job so far of suppressing dissent (from Islamist and democratic dissidents) and maintaining a stable society in the process. So why are some so determined to sever ties? Can we not see how this is such an unbelievably short-sighted approach and one that, if taken, will inevitably lead to disaster and ruin?

Think about it.

Long-Live Saudi-Arabia!

Saudi-Arabia Zindabad!

Long-Live Saudi-Arabia!




Not-for-profit charitable-organisation committed to countering malicious propaganda and developing a greater understanding between Saudi-Arabia & Western world