Hey Google, check your USD to EUR calculator

Bas Keetelaar
2 min readSep 29, 2015


Nexus day, happy day, right? Well, at least if you are living in the United States. Most Google and Android fans on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean were left in bitter disappointment. The Nexus 5X, priced $379 in the US is priced €479 in Europe. The 6P, priced $499 in the US is priced €649 in Europe.

Yep, I don’t know who did the math there, Google’s own calculator actually works. Even when considering taxes and stuff, it’s very unlikely that that price is justified. And it’s not only Europe, it’s at least Canada and Australia as well.

It’s not even just Google. The Motorola Moto X Pure (Style in Europe) is starting at $399, but in Europe, the cheapest model costs €499. You get 32GB of storage however.

Nexus doesn’t have a very strong brand recognition and it’s expected that this phone will fail in Europe, which probably means less Nexus devices in the coming years.

With tech, it’s often $ = €, which is actually wrong on its own, but I’m used to it. This is nothing more than a big middle-finger to all those passionate people who buy Android devices, recommend Android devices and help Google in its fight against competitors. What about a fair customer relationship?

