Battle Saga : A Project Incubated by Oddiyana Ventures

2 min readNov 29, 2021


Chain up tight everyone! Battle Saga, one of the most promising catalysts for the decentralized NFT gaming market, is collaborating with the futuristic early stage blockchain incubator and advisor Oddiyana Ventures. Oddiyana Ventures will be our strategic partner in all aspects of this exciting journey together.

Oddiyana Ventures’ role in Battle Saga

Oddiyana Ventures’ will play pivotal roles in incubating Battle Saga.

  1. Fundraising
  • Connecting Battle Saga to potential Venture Capitalists, Investors and Partners
  • Introducing to IDO launchpads and exchanges for CEX Listing
  • Ensuring successful pre-sale launch and post-sale maintenance

2. Marketing

  • Community marketing via diverse social media channels
  • Organizing AMAs and interviews
  • Connecting to Influencers and KOLs

3. Legal Advisory

  • Uncovering potential growth in the Gaming, Blockchain and NFTs with legitimate and credible infrastructure

4. Token Metrics

  • Offering advisory services on tokenomics, IDO and relevant aspects

5. Long-term Consultation

  • Providing long-term strategic consultation and partnership with existing projects in the field especially those under Oddiyana Ventures’ portfolio

Oddiyana Ventures will be our smart partner for Battle Saga to attain sound and sustainable expansion as the market leader in the crypto space.

About Oddiyana Ventures

Oddiyana Ventures is an investment firm exploring & investing in early-stage blockchain projects. Oddiyana Ventures funds projects in DeFi, NFTs, web3 applications, metaverse, gaming, unstoppable finance and other new developments in the relevant space. It also provides expert advisory services and helps in accelerating the growth of projects.

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About Battle Saga

A NFT Game to Earn-Without-Playing

Battle Saga is a ‘Clash of Clan’ inspired next generation strategic game that enables users to Earn-Without-Playing. It is a futuristic decentralized NFT game that aspires to provide groundbreaking gaming experiences to its users with De-Fi tools, DAO governance and above all, with its own metaverse.

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The Next Generation Strategic Game — Earn Without Playing