Battle World Gun System

2 min readJul 13, 2022


Battle World Gun System

Players can find 9 other different guns in the world (excluding the pistol), they are
• Assault rifle — Suited for medium and long-range battles.
• Submission gun — rapid-firing gun suited for short and medium ranged battles
• Shotgun — deadliest weapon only suited for close combat battles.
• Rocket launcher — The highest damaging weapon that shoots single projects
• Grenade launcher — Grants players the tactical advantage of tossing grenades over walls and other obstacles, damaging a small area upon impact.
• Bow and Arrow — Go old school and rock the bow and arrow, hard to use but lethal.
• Sniper — Bolt action sniper offers devastating damage from range, this gun does the most damage and has the highest range among all other weapons.
• Mini/ Gatling gun — Suited for close and medium-range combat, unleash a barrage of bullets in the blink of an eye. But be wary, you burn through ammo at a rapid pace and lose accuracy during sustained fire.
• Flamethrower — a deadly short weapon that burns targets to a crisp. High damage per second and a small AOE make it a very unique weapon to wield on the battlefield.
• Pistol — Trusty old pistol, decent range, and decent damage make it the perfect weapon to start off with.

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Battle world is a Gamefi battle royale Metaverse project built on Polygon network. A globally appealing mid-core game for the masses.