The Birds Of Saona Island In the Dominican Republic

2 min readMay 11, 2016


Whether you will be a casual pet watcher or perhaps a severe birder, you will surely take pleasure in the terrific variety of pet existence about Saona Island in the Dominican Republic. If you are planning a vacation to Punta Cana, maintain mind that to take a Punta Cana tour of Saona Island to view these amazing birds.
Saona Island is simply a few of miles off the southeast tip of the Dominican Republic. However, there are no roads going to the land thus to make it happen you have got to go by boat. If you are taking a tour, you will likely leave within the Bayahibe marina. Mangroves edge Saona Island and so forth the method there you will pass through these mangroves. In the mangroves you will see countless birds, including big roosting colonies of Magnificent Frigatebirds (Fregata magnificens) plus Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis). Frigatebirds are related to pelicans plus have lengthy beaks plus a big bright red pouch that the guys may inflate out to attract a female.It is very anything to see. You may also view a Red-footed Booby (Sula sula), another relative of the pelican. It is a striking pet with a blue beak, bright red orange webbed feet, plus a blue plus cut throat pouch useful for courtship. It is the smallest of the dumbbell varieties.

Closely associated with the palm trees coating the beaches of Saona Island in the Dominican Republic, there are the Palm Chat (Dulus dominicus). These birds have a fairly limited range plus are just found in the Dominican Republic plus neighboring Haiti. However, this varieties is doing fairly well in its limited area thus those of you who keep a pet list may surely reach beat that one off: The Palm Chat is the nationwide pet. It forms noisy communal nests. It is a long-tailed passerine whose body looks to me a little like a Pine Siskin however, it really is considered many carefully related to the waxwings. However, it really is strange sufficient taxonomically communicating that it must be placed allalone in its obtain family. So, maintain mind whenever you view the Palm Chat you are hunting at a actual oddball from a scientific perspective.

Saona Island moreover hosts the largest breeding website for the endangered White-crowned Pigeon (Columba leucocephala) thus it really is among the best places to see it. On the contrary, in the US, the particular place you are able to view these birds is the Florida Keys. The White-crowned Pigeon populations are declining at an alarming rate due to the degradation of each its nesting plus eating habitat. It nests in the coastal mangroves plus flies returning to the land to feed about the

Read more: coral restoration in Bayahibe

