Celebrating a Year of Co-Creation with the BeMe Teen Advisory Board

Embracing Youth Insights: A Year of Impactful Collaboration

BeMe Health
2 min readDec 14, 2023

As we concluded our final meeting of 2023 with the BeMe Teen Advisory Board last night, there was a shared feeling of accomplishment. The meeting marked the end of another productive year and set the stage for future innovations and developments.

Youth Co-Creation at Its Best

Our collaboration with the Teen Advisory Board has been an integral part of the product development process for BeMe Health. By actively involving these enthusiastic teens in the development process, we have co-created features that resonate deeply with our young users.

This collaborative approach has enhanced the app’s functionality and fostered a sense of equity, social inclusion, and youth empowerment. The result? A product that truly reflects the needs and aspirations of its users.

A Sounding Board for Innovation

The board’s role extended beyond feature development. They served as a critical sounding board for our product team, providing invaluable feedback on survey questions and research initiatives. Their insights have been instrumental in shaping the app and our overall approach to youth engagement.

Educational Insights and Advocacy

Throughout the year, the board members have also taken the lead in advocating for important issues. Their presentations on topics like media representation, addressing the mental health needs of BIPOC youth, the use of AI, and the impact of social media on mental health have been eye-opening.

They’ve challenged us to think differently and act responsibly, reinforcing the importance of understanding and meeting the diverse needs of our audience.

Looking Ahead: A Future Bright with Promise

Working with the BeMe Teen Advisory Board has been a privilege. Learning from them, spending time with them, and witnessing their growth into future leaders has been an enriching experience for our team. Their contributions have improved our app and shaped our thinking about innovation, inclusion, and youth empowerment.

As we move forward, we carry the lessons learned and the inspirations drawn from this remarkable group of young individuals. Here’s to a future where youth co-creation continues to break new ground and pave the way for more inclusive and impactful technology.

For more insights on engaging youth in your company, check out this resource from Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center.

About BeMe Health

BeMe is a mobile mental health app — made for and With Teens In Mind™ — to improve teen well-being by bringing together the best aspects of digital media, live support, and clinical care.



BeMe Health

BeMe is a mobile mental health platform — made for and With Teens In Mind™