Why you shouldn’t waste your money on supplements:

Brett Freeman
3 min readOct 29, 2017


One question I seem to get from anyone looking for advice is what supplement brand to use and which is the most effective. Unfortunately, they never seem to be happy with my response. For someone like myself, someone who appreciates money, I’m relieved to know that I am saving hundreds of pounds a year by NOT buying many supplements that are seriously promoted.

But surely all these pro athletes and bodybuilders use them all and that’s what makes them successful? Nope! The reason they get promoted is because the companies pay them to promote their brand! Bodybuilders especially, a lot of their livelihood relies on the money they get from supplement sponsorships; which is ironic because they aren’t promoting the steroids they take!

Now, I can’t say that you shouldn’t be taking any supplements when I actually take 2. So I would like to explain the purpose for me taking these and why you may want to consider.

Whey Protein:

I’ve taken whey protein since I started training 7 years ago. At first I used to think I needed a protein shake immediately after every workout as this would ensure I built as much muscle as I could. Then I thought I needed one before bed too so my gains wouldn’t run away from me as I slept. However, as I’ve gotten more educated, I have used Whey for a lot simpler purpose- to get more protein in my overall diet; this is the only reason Whey protein helps. It is not magic and will not put you at a massive advantage, but for those who struggle to eat enough protein, a shake can easily add 20–50g of protein and save you a tonne of hassle of cooking chicken.

I don’t tend to drink a shake post-workout anymore but instead will have one for breakfast at work and sometimes in the evening. I may also add this to yoghurt or porridge. If you can get your protein from proper food sources, there is actually no need to take whey, however it is purely convenient and good for those with busy schedules.

Creatine Monohydrate:

Creatine has been labelled as the best supplement out there for the simple reason that science seems to back up the results. The results of Creatine are enhanced recovery between high intensity sets and thus increased strength and performance over time. Yes, it sounds great. What I do have to say however is that I’ve never really noticed some stand out effect from taking Creatine. However, it is stupidly cheap; I can get a 1kg bag for £12 and with only having to take 5g a day, it lasts me two-thirds of the year, so I’m willing to make the investment.

But if you can’t afford, then don’t bother. No supplements are magic. This may just give you a 2–5% advantage in the long-term. What you really want to be doing is focussing on that other 95% you can control; food, training, sleep and stress.

These are the only 2 I really take and even then, I don’t fully stand by them! I’m yet to be convinced that other supplements work. So please don’t waste your money. Invest in your food, invest in your training and ensure you are having adequate rest. There is no shortcuts to success- it is definitely not something you can buy!

Thank you SO much for reading this article❤️Please continue to follow my journey and be sure to hit that clap button 50x👏

