Beamer is Live on Mainnet!

Join us in celebrating this major milestone. Bridge your USDC between Optimism and Boba today. And partner with us in building rollup-centric Ethereum.

Beamer Bridge
4 min readOct 10, 2022


We are thrilled to announce that Beamer Bridge is now live on mainnet. Today’s announcement is the culmination of 9 months of protocol design, development and testing. It also marks an important step toward breaking down rollup silos and enabling free exploration across rollups.

You can now use Beamer to effortlessly bridge USDC between Optimism and Boba. Support for additional rollups and tokens is coming soon.

Note: Beamer is currently in an initial public testing phase. Our smart contracts are currently undergoing an audit. Until the audit is complete, we have implemented a few guardrails to ensure stability and security.

Experience Simplicity & Security

We believe that user experience and security are the most important features of a bridge. We have put all our efforts into ensuring that Beamer excels at both. You get the simplest and most intuitive UX while enjoying the same security as Ethereum L1.

  • Blazing Fast: Beamer will bridge your assets to your chosen rollup in as little as 2.5 seconds — and almost always under 20 seconds.
  • Security of Ethereum L1: We use Ethereum L1 for messaging and settlement. It’s best-in-class security. If you trust Ethereum, you can trust Beamer.
  • Exact Amounts: If you send USDC 1,000, you will always receive USDC 1,000. Beamer does not have slippage or conversion fees. So you never receive funky decimals (for example: USDC 998.69420).
  • Low & Easy Fees: Pay just 0.3% of the transfer amount — charged upfront on the source rollup. (Minimum USDC 1.)
  • Single Click: Sign just one transaction on the source rollup. That’s it. You’re done!
  • Canonical Tokens: You always receive canonical tokens — never derivative or proxy tokens.
  • Finality: When you get your tokens on the target rollup, they’re 100% yours. No restrictions or waiting periods.

Explore Rollups

Explore Rollups: Enjoy the best dApps, DeFi protocols, games, NFT projects and DAOs — whether they’re on Optimism or Boba.

Consolidate Assets: Bring together all your assets on the rollup of your choice so you can deploy them most effectively. Never worry about asset fragmentation again!

Peer-To-Peer Transfers: Transfer assets to anyone on any rollup. Send money to friends, charities, or online shops. Just copy the recipient’s address in the “target address” field.

Get Started

“User experience and security are the most important features for any bridge. Beamer delivers the simplest and most intuitive UX while enjoying the same security as Ethereum L1.”

Before you get started, you will need to:

  1. Have a Metamask wallet or a WalletConnect compatible wallet
  2. Add Optimism and Boba to your wallet
  3. Hold USDC (and a small amount of ETH for gas) on Optimism and/or Boba

Once you’re all ready, go to the Beamer dApp for mainnet:

  1. Connect your wallet
  2. Switch your wallet to the source rollup
  3. Fill in the transfer info: Source Rollup, Target Rollup, Transfer Token, Transfer Amount, and Target Address
  4. Confirm the transfer in your wallet
  5. Wait for the transfer to complete (less than 20 seconds)
  6. Switch your wallet to the Target Rollup
  7. Confirm the transfer on the Target Rollup network explorer

After you’re done, share your feedback directly on the Beamer App or on Discord.

Next Steps

Beamer is currently being audited by ChainSafe. After the audit, we will make any required changes and release an audit report. We will then be expanding the functionality of Beamer Bridge:

Transfer Limits: Beamer currently has a limit of USDC 1,000 per transfer. We will progressively increase and then remove transfer limits.

Decentralization: In the short term, Beamer will maintain a whitelisted agent network — until we can ensure the highest level of security for users. Our medium-to-long-term goal is to facilitate a fully permissionless and decentralized agent network.

Rollups & Assets: Beamer currently bridges USDC between Optimism and Boba. We will quickly add additional rollups (optimistic and zk) and ERC20 assets (DAI, wETH, etc).

Join Us

Launching Beamer on mainnet is a huge accomplishment for the Beamer team and the whole community. But there is still much work to be done. Let’s join forces to create the best rollup-to-rollup bridge on Ethereum.

Get involved! Stay up-to-date and learn about Beamer and rollups on our Discord and Twitter.

See you on the other side!

The BeamTeam



Beamer Bridge

Enjoy Effortless Bridging — Beam your ERC20 assets between EVM compatible rollups with certainty, speed and security