Our blog has a new home and new perks

1 min readFeb 13, 2019


Hey everyone! This is a quick update to say this Notes & Prose blog is moving to blog.bear.app.

All of our past posts have been moved over, and all future posts will be published there. We went with WordPress to get more control over our content, media, layout, and new RSS feed (update your newsreaders!).

We also set up publishing to Apple News for those who like to read there. Our channel is currently powered by RSS, but we’re waiting for approval on switching to the official Apple News Format.

As for this here Medium account, we haven’t decided what to do yet. We’re not sure whether to cross-publish some key posts here or just focus on our new blog.

Either way, blog.bear.app will be the new home for all our content going forward, and we have some great stuff in the works. Be sure to bookmark, subscribe to our new feed in your newsreader, and tell all your friends.




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