Dumbledore, Mcgonagall, and Snape.

Becca Webb
1 min readOct 17, 2014

The fantastic professors of Hogwarts are part of the way the school runs. They are the bread and butter of the Hogwarts. Without these three Professors I do not know how the school of the stories would live. Dumbledore, with his random words and daring personality, is the Headmaster of Hogwarts. Through all of Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s adventures Dumbledore is typically right there with them either physically or spiritually still giving advice and help when needed. Mcgonagall is the strict teacher you do not want to mess with. The one who makes sure you do your homework or just plain behaving. Not only is she strict but she is a very kind and loyal woman, who would do anything to protect the students of Hogwarts no matter what. Now, Snape, the dark and brooding professor that no one wants to cross. He is the Potions professor and head of the Slytherin house. This man though creepy and daunting at times was a truley kind and caring man. He loved Lily Potter with all his heart even after she was killed, which shows how much of a kind person he is. These three professors were amazing and outstanding in what they did and for that I applaud them.



Becca Webb

I am an Interdisciplinary studies major with a concentration in English.I absolutely love anything to do with Harry Potter.