Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort

Becca Webb
1 min readNov 6, 2014

Tom Marvolo Riddle, The Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort, You-Know-Who, or He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. These are some of the many names of the one man who destroyed many people’s lives. As a little boy he was not loved by anyone and was sent to live in an orpahnage where eve nthere he stole from and hurt the other children. This is where Dumbledore found him and brought him to Hogwarts to leave to control his magic and become a proper wizard. Here he learned how to essentially become immortal by using horcruxes. Here he began his reign of terror with getting Hagrid expelled and his wand taken away form him for something he did not even do. The many deaths that followed in his wake were terrible. Having Sirius Black take the fall for the deaths of Lily and James Potter was even worse. But to him, it was a necessity at that point. His need for power and immortality became so great and overtook him. This is why he became how he was.



Becca Webb

I am an Interdisciplinary studies major with a concentration in English.I absolutely love anything to do with Harry Potter.