How Failure Led Me to Launch a More Authentic Business

Aligned My Work and Life to Spark Benevolent Breakthroughs

Becky Gaylord
9 min readSep 1, 2021


This year, I launched my consulting business 2.0. It’s timing that many (sane people) would consider to be as horrendous as when I initially became an entrepreneur a decade ago, in the aftermath of the last major global financial crisis.

Each of the two undertakings was an accident. Perhaps “contingency” is the better description, in the sense it wasn’t my first plan.

And yet, amazing things resulted after I finally embraced what actually unfolded. It hasn’t been smooth. For awhile things seemed to go way off track. Still, the value of insights I’ve gained from experiences that felt uncomfortable, and resisted initially, keeps accumulating.

striking photo of iridescent oyster shells
Photo by Rachel Claire via Pexels.

It’s similar to an irritant that gets inside an oyster’s shell, which transforms into a lustrous pearl. The mollusk secretes a strong material that coats the intruder and protects itself. It takes years, and happens rarely, but the precious result is treasured.

We humans have the equivalent of this. Indeed, I consider a list of such “oyster items” to be more significant than a bucket list, which seems, by contrast, transactional and static: Do it…



Becky Gaylord

Journalist. Entrepreneur. Consultant. Published in NYT & WSJ. Blogger since 2011. Write about framing what works. Creative, curious, optimist. beckygaylord.com