Work Harder lights

4. VPT

Kitty Wong
1 min readJul 4, 2017


Very Personal Trainer

Today I found out that I’m not as unfit as I had presumed. I went for a complimentary personal trainer session with my current gym. Perhaps it was down to my lack of encouraging words that I had to say about my own fitness. Since going back to doing some sort of aerial class once a week has made me stronger than I thought.

Another thing that was also a bit of a surprise was my ability to run on a treadmill for 15 minutes straight and to be able to hold a conversation. I was hesitant to get on a treadmill because I’ve always suffered from shin splits and was wary of the pain. Amazingly there was no pain afterwards. Maybe I just need to warm up before walking or do more running so I can build up my shin muscles.

At this point of my life I don’t really need a personal trainer when there are so many workout videos and guides available. But if I was to move on to weightlifting I would definitely get one for at least a couple of sessions.

Day 1 | 2 | 3

