The story of Nikolay Melbard

4 min readNov 5, 2017


My name is Nikolay Melbard. I am 61 years old. I was born and live in Moscow, Russia. I also spend a lot of time at mу farm. I feel perfect, never get sick and do not visit doctors because I am active in life, do equestrian sports and alpine skiing. Moreover, I use everything natural from food and water to clothes. I try to drive a car as little as possible and move on foot or on horseback wherever I can.

Nikolay Melbard is professional equestrian athlete. Endurance riding is an equestrian sport based on long-distance horse ride up to 160 km per one day.

All my life since my youth, I have been doing business. I was a broker at the commodity exchange, a car dealer, and then a financial broker. In 2006 together with my friends, I set up a financial company FxPro.

FxPro is one of the world-famous Forex brokers

In the 90s, I stayed in the Netherland for several years. I was amazed to see such developed agriculture in a small country the size of the Moscow region! They produce many different products and export the great part of them to other countries!

In Russia, we have a huge amount of fertile land and water, and rural residents who need work. I began to think of starting my own farm.

Alpine skiing is favorite hobby of Nikolay Melbard

Thinking about organic food, I realized that it’s difficult to buy natural and therefore delicious food in a store or on the market. Unfair producers use intensive technologies, all kinds of substitutes in the struggle to reduce costs and maximize profits. City residents forget, and children actually do not know the taste and smell of natural products.

Therefore, after returning to Russia from Europe, having visited many farms there, I organized a small farm in the Tver region. I started making chees from goat and cow milk and other products for my own family and my friends, most of the time doing business in Moscow.

The farm of Nikolay Melbard in Penza region of Russia

Finally, in 2009 I sold my share in the financial company and bought 1000 hectares of land and 500 cows of Black Angus breed in the Penza region 600 km to the east of Moscow. A feedlot and a meat processing plant were built. In two years, the first produce was received. However, there were little sales of such high quality but expensive meat. To increase sales, I opened an online store in Moscow, and the first restaurant “Meat Desire” with a butcher shop in 2016.

Then a good partner appeared in my project, a wonderful person, a professional, the famous brand chef Kirill Kuznetsov, who began to cook magnificent burgers and many different tasty dishes from beef and other products from my farm.

“Meat Desire” restaurant in Moscow

Three months later, we began to make a profit, and a year later opened a second restaurant.

It turned out that we had no competitors! There is not any farmer’s restaurant either in Moscow or in Russia that a farmer himself would have started. We have low prices and there are always many visitors. We wanted to replicate the business model: the farm — the restaurant — the butcher shop.

Organic beef burgers in “Meat Desire” restaurant in Moscow

We plan to increase the assortment of farm products in our restaurants, to start producing cheeses, meat delicacies, and to build a brewery.

It is not profitable to take a loan from a bank due to high interest. Therefore, we decided to attract investors’ funds using the method of crowd sale on blockchain technology and to conduct Initial Coin Offering (ICO), releasing our own crypto tokens under the name BeefCoin.

Visit BeefCoin website:




Integrated production of organic beef from farm to table. #beefcoin