Behance Creative Q&A: Nuria Madrid

4 min readJul 19, 2017


Nuria Madrid is a freelance Designer and Art Director from Barcelona, Spain. After spending time in the advertising world, she’s recently started focusing on 3D design using bold colors, isometric images, and geometry.

When did you first find the creative spark? When you were young? Maybe later?

Before high school, I enjoyed making websites about things I loved. Nothing sophisticated but looking back I think this was the first time I did something graphic. I had never thought to do it for a living even when studying advertising. Then I spent some years working in advertising agencies as an art director, but I felt it was not my place. I quit, and I started trying new things and freelancing at the same time to pay the bills.

Who or what nurtured that initial spark? Did you have any early mentors?

I didn’t go to art school, so I haven’t had any mentors. While working on advertising, I learned a lot from my coworkers, and I started thinking about freelancing.

Who are some of your influences over the years?

Wow! There are a lot of artists that inspire me. Also, I love set design, composition, product design and 90’s aesthetics. On my everyday life, I always try to check Instagram and Behance to follow lots of amazing people I admire.

When you start a new project, what’s your process? How do you gather your ideas, how do you execute them, etc?

My drawing skills are a disaster. I would like to say that I do some great sketches on paper. But the reality is that I make a very basic structure and then go directly to the computer. I also look for references of materials, colors, set design…

For my editorial illustrations, for example, I really don’t have enough time to start an investigation process. I just have a few days to think about it, talk to the client and execute it.

What is your workspace like? Do you have any favorite places to go to do certain types of work?

I have a cool space large enough not to go crazy. I really need natural light. I usually do everything in my studio, but I like to go out and walk for a while to clear my head.

What have you been working on recently?

I’ve been doing the cover art for a band from Barcelona and some editorial illustrations. Doing a cover art project has been interesting because it’s not the type of illustration I usually do. But I really enjoy doing editorial illustrations because it allows you to conceptualize a topic in just a few shapes and colors.

What’s something the art & design world is too focused on? What should it be focused on instead?

It’s hard to tell. I guess the design world is too obsessed with trends. Well, I’m a slave to the trends too. It makes sense because as a designer I must know trends and the clients usually want it that way. Maybe the design world must focus more on the concept and the timelessness of the images.

What’s a skill you used to use all the time but don’t use anymore? Or, conversely, what’s a skill you never thought you’d need to use but can’t work without?

I’ve been only working on 3D software for the last three years. And for sure the things I know today will be obsolete in a few years. Sometimes it is disheartening to see so much software coming out and you have to keep up. But you have to move on and keep working. My work is not focused on the technique, so I don’t have that pressure to always have the latest software and the most powerful computer.

Where does Behance fit in your creative life? Has anything noteworthy come from you being a member?

Behance has become a part of my daily routine. It’s a great way to get inspired and at the same time you can show your work to the community. Sharing your work is the key. It’s hard in the beginning because you see so many great designers and it’s like, “Oh no, I’m not that good and I’ll never be!” But it’s great to encourage yourself to keep learning.




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