The Top 6 ChatGPT Styles and Tones To Make Your Writing Pop

Unlock the full potential of your ChatGPT toolbox, read this article to become a dynamic and versatile writer.

Nick Mishkin
6 min readJan 24, 2023
Image courtesy of BuzzFeed News

Last year, I made the bold move from sales to content writing after completing my master’s in behavioral economics. The transition was smooth, except for one crucial aspect: maneuvering between various styles and tones. I had a solid understanding of what made content stand out, but struggled to execute the necessary techniques to make my words truly resonate with readers. Despite being naturally funny and uplifting in person, I struggled to infuse that same energy into my writing. That’s when I discovered ChatGPT, which completely transformed my writing process. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to level up their writing game.

ChatGPT is the ultimate tool for crafting content in any style you desire. Simply guide the AI with your desired style or tone, and let it work its magic. The options are endless, so it can be overwhelming to know which styles and tones to utilize for different types of writing, such as articles, blogs, emails, website copy, and social media posts. But fear not, after reading this, you’ll have a clear understanding of the top styles and tones for each type of content writing.

The Top 6 ChatGPT Styles for Versatility and Effectiveness

ChatGPT gives you the flexibility to emulate any writer, personality, or profession. I’ve invested a considerable amount of time, listening to numerous podcasts and experimenting with a wide range of styles, to determine which work best. Let me share my findings with you, by providing a curated list of the top 6 styles based on the most useful ChatGPT commands.

1) Tim Ferris

If you’re looking for a writing style that is captivating, yet easy to understand, look no further than Tim Ferris. As a well-known entrepreneur, investor, author, podcaster, and lifestyle guru, Tim has mastered the art of clear, concise, and energetic communication. His style is perfect for hooking readers and effectively conveying complex ideas in articles, blogs, and emails. I highly recommend incorporating the “Tim Ferris” style in your own writing for maximum impact and engagement.


  • Rephrase this text in the style of Tim Ferris: “[insert text]”
  • Write an email about why people should watch the comedy movie 21 Jump Street in the style of Tim Ferris

2) Neil Patel

If you’re in need of a writing style that is both engaging and informative, Neil Patel is your guy. As a British entrepreneur, New York Times best-selling author, marketing expert, speaker, and internet personality, Neil has mastered the art of catchy, smart, and digestible communication. I highly recommend incorporating the “Neil Patel” style for your social media posts and website copy to capture the attention of your audience and effectively convey your message.


  • Write a tweet about why elephants are the coolest animal in the jungle in the style of Neil Patel
  • Rephrase this Facebook post in the style of Neil Patel: “[insert post]”

3) Tony Robbins

Want to create content that truly motivates and inspires your readers? Try the writing style of Tony Robbins, the renowned American author, coach, speaker, and philanthropist. With his charismatic delivery and strategic use of exclamation points, Tony’s style will make your content stand out and truly pop. I highly recommend incorporating the “Tony Robbins” style on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and email — wherever you want to inspire your audience to take action.


  • Please respond to this LinkedIn comment I got on my LinkedIn post in the style of Tony Robbins: [insert comment]
  • Write a call to action for this email in the style of Tony Robbins: [insert email]

4) Lex Fridman / James Clear

Are you looking for a writing style that is both informative and relatable? Look no further than the styles of Lex Fridman and James Clear. Being well-known personalities in the field of habits, decision-making, ideas, and continuous improvement, their style is scientific yet eloquent, with an empathetic tone. I highly recommend incorporating the “Lex Fridman” or “James Clear” style for emails, comment replies, or any time you want to share information with a personal touch.


  • Write a paragraph about how the Amazon Forrest provides most of the world’s oxygen in the style of Lex Fridman
  • Please respond to this email in the style of James Clear: [insert email]

5) Rick Flair / Bill Burr

Want to grab your reader’s attention in a unique way? Humor is the key! But adding humor to writing can be a tricky task. To add humor to your social media posts and emails, use the “Rick Flair” or “Bill Burr” styles. They will give your writing the comedic boost it needs to stand out.

Rick Flair is a well-known American professional wrestler for the WWE, known for his ability to entertain and make people laugh. Bill Burr is a stand-up comedian with a comedic style that is relatable and hilarious. Incorporating these styles into your writing will make your content more engaging and memorable.


  • Rephrase this Facebook post in the style of Rick Flair: [insert post]

Want to see the true power of this command in action? Check out my live example on Facebook and Twitter, where I utilize this command in to its full potential.

  • Write a LinkedIn post about why muffins are an underrated snack in the style of Bill Burr

6) Therapist

In addition to emulating personalities, ChatGPT also allows you to replicate professions. If you’re looking to add a touch of compassion to your writing, consider using the “therapist” style. This style combines empathy and motivation, making it highly effective in connecting with readers. I’ve found it particularly useful for emails and individual sentences — whenever I want to add a personal touch to my communication.


  • Rephrase this sentence in the style of a therapist: “[insert sentence]”
  • Write a paragraph about how my AI writing product will help companies thrive in an economic recession in the style of a therapist

Honorable mention: Want to add a touch of philosophy to your tweets? Look into the “Naval Ravikant” style. He has over 2 million Twitter followers, nuff said.

Discover the Best Tones for Crafting Compelling Content

While emulating the styles of actual writers and personalities can maximize the potential of ChatGPT, sometimes simplicity is key. In this section, I will share my go-to tones for utilizing ChatGPT in its most fundamental form.

Try this list of adjectives to change the tone of voice

Simply integrate one of these options into the universal command below.

  • Encouraging
  • Persuasive
  • Thoughtful
  • Personal
  • Witty
  • Funny
  • Empathetic
  • Compassionate

Universal Command: Write a [length] [type] on [topic] in a [tone] tone


  • Write a 200 word essay on comedy movie specials in an encouraging tone
  • Rephrase this tweet in a witty tone: “[tweet]”

Concluding Remarks

With these ChatGPT styles at your disposal, you’ll become a writing powerhouse. There’s nothing you can’t tackle now. While ChatGPT doesn’t usually produce a final draft, it gets you 85% of the way there. Experiment with different styles and tones to see which best achieves your desired outcome. You might find that “Tony Robbins” works well for Facebook posts, while “Tim Ferris” is better suited for cold emails. If you have any questions about the commands themselves, check out my article on “The Top 5 ChatGPT Commands for Killer Content and Social Media Posts” or reach out to me on Twitter and LinkedIn. Happy writing!


