Make Your Readers Laugh: A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing with Humor

Unleash your inner comedian with these two ChatGPT techniques and keep your readers in stitches.

Nick Mishkin
6 min readMar 2, 2023
Image courtesy of damedeeso

You know what I think? I think humor is like a secret weapon that nobody talks about. It’s like the key to the kingdom of attention-grabbing, unlocking all these positive emotions that make people feel good and want to contribute. So why aren’t more companies and individuals using it to spice up their content and social media marketing? It’s like they’re going to a potluck with nothing but plain oatmeal in their tupperware. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With a little humor, you can turn that oatmeal into a party — a big, glorious, laugh-filled party. And who doesn’t want to be invited to that?

Let’s get real for a minute. Writing humor? Not easy. Especially when you’re trying to cram it into a pithy article or a social media post. It’s like trying to teach a sloth how to do parkour. But here’s the thing — most businesses and individuals don’t have the technique or literary knowledge to pull off amusing writing (even if they read Humor, Seriously: Why Humor Is A Superpower At Work And In Life).

But if they did? They’d be crushing it, reaching more people, generating more sales, and putting more positive energy into the world. According to a study published in the Oxford Academic, humor leads to positive emotions, high-quality interactions, and enhanced performance. So why are we forgetting to write with humor? Let’s put a little fun in our paragraphs and see where it takes us.

Writing Humor with ChatGPT

If you’re struggling to write with humor, don’t worry — you’re not alone. But the good news is that with tools like ChatGPT, you don’t have to be the class clown to make people laugh. Marketers, content creators, and anyone else looking to infuse their writing with a little levity can now do so with ease. In fact, I’m excited to share with you two ChatGPT commands that will have your readers LOL-ing in no time. So whether you’re a seasoned humorist or a total newbie, it’s time to take your writing game to the next level and inject a little laughter into your content.

Mastering Tone of Voice

I’m about to introduce you to a game-changer. ChatGPT commands so powerful, it can transform your writing from dull to delightful in the blink of an eye. With these bad boys at your fingertips, you can write in different tones, from serious to silly and everything in between. Suddenly, your posts and marketing campaigns are sparking smiles all over the internet, leading to more sales, more engagement, and a positive branding.

Before we dig into the ChatGPT commands, let’s quickly review what it means to write with humor. Humor consists of six main tones:

  1. Sarcasm: Use a sarcastic tone to make humorous comments that are the opposite of what you actually mean. For example, “Oh sure, because sitting in traffic for three hours is the best way to start your day.”
  2. Self-deprecation: Use a self-deprecating tone to make fun of yourself or your own flaws. For example, “I’m not saying I’m bad at cooking, but my smoke alarm goes off more than my oven timer.”
  3. Satire: Use a satirical tone to mock or parody a specific topic, idea, or person. For example, “Breaking news: the world’s most powerful leaders have agreed to play a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors to decide the fate of the planet.”
  4. Irony: Use an ironic tone to highlight the difference between what is expected and what actually happens. For example, “I can resist everything except temptation” (Oscar Wilde).
  5. Exaggeration: Use an exaggerated tone to make something seem more dramatic or ridiculous than it actually is. For example, “I’m pretty sure my boss thinks I’m a mind reader, because every time I’m about to ask a question, he answers it before I can even speak.”
  6. Understatement: Use an understated tone to make something seem less important or less significant than it actually is. For example, “I’d say my cooking skills are about on par with a microwave dinner.”

By blending these six tones with the ChatGPT’s Universal Commands and Rephrase Prompts, you can infuse your writing with humor that will leave your readers in stitches. The prompts and commands will do the work for you, turning your dull content into a comedic masterpiece. And before you know it, you’ll have transformed your writing from bland to captivating.

Universal Commands

  • Write a [type] on [topic] in a [tone] tone
  • Write a [type] on [topic] in the style of [author name]


  • Write a paragraph on cottage cheese in a exaggerated tone
  • Write a facebook post on why Seinfeld is the best sitcom in the style of David Sedaris

Rephrase Prompts

  • Rephrase this [type] in a [tone] tone: “[insert text]”
  • Rephrase this [type] in the style of [insert author name]: “[insert text]”


  • Rephrase this text in a sarcastic tone: “Nick Mishkin taught me how to write with humor and now he’s my favorite ChatGPT blogger”
  • Rephrase this tweet in the style of Tina Fey: “After adding humor to my company’s social media posts, our facebook page grew by ten million followers. Thank you Nick Mishkin for making our writing fun and vivid”

Adding Emojis to Content

If there’s one thing that’s become clear in recent years, it’s that emojis are no longer just a passing fad. In fact, a study published by the International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research showed that these tiny icons can actually add a much-needed dose of humor and personality to your social media posts and content. By using the right emojis, you can amplify the message you’re trying to convey and make a real connection with your audience. But here’s the thing — like any good thing in life, moderation is key. I recommend adding one or two clever emojis to your campaigns — just enough to spice things up without overwhelming your readers. And if you’re not sure how to add emojis using ChatGPT, don’t worry — the solution is as simple as the push of a button. Just try the Emoji Command and watch your writing come to life with a touch of playful flair.

Emoji Command

  • Which emojis would you use to add [tone #1] and [tone #2] to this [type]: “[insert text]”


  • Which emojis would you use to add vividness and humor to this tweet: “Have you seen the comedy move Billy Madison? It’s still funny after all this time. We recommend it 100%”

Concluding Remarks

Many people think that writing is all about getting the message across, but adding humor can make all the difference. By infusing your writing with humor, you not only engage more readers but also brighten their day, leaving a positive impact on their mood and energy. It’s a powerful marketing and communication tool that’s often overlooked in today’s world. But thanks to ChatGPT, you can now write with humor and make our social media posts, articles, books, and messages truly stand out and make readers laugh.


