5 Tips for Writing Professional Emails Faster with ChatGPT

Learn to write follow-up emails and newsletters quickly with ChatGPT.

Nick Mishkin
5 min readMar 23, 2023

Are you tired of spending hours crafting the perfect emails for all your business contacts?

It’s no secret that follow-up emails, thank-you messages, and newsletter invites are a must in the world of business. But let’s be real, emails can be a bit tricky. You want to guarantee that your tone comes across as genuine and friendly, but that’s easier said than done. Unlike a face-to-face chat, emails require extra editing to make sure your message hits just right.

In this article, I’m going to share with you the ultimate guide to crafting killer business emails for every occasion. From follow-up messages to thank-you notes, I’ve got you covered! And the best part? I’m going to show you how to use ChatGPT to take your email game to the next level. Say goodbye to endless hours of writing and hello to custom, beautiful emails that get the job done in record time.

Mastering “Thank You” Emails

When it comes to writing thank you emails, it’s all about personalization and attention to detail. If you want to really impress your contacts, make sure to recall specific details from your conversation and mention them in your message.

Did you chat about some valuable fundraising tips? Drop that knowledge in your email! And don’t stop there, my friends. If there were any action items that came out of the meeting, be sure to include them in your message. Trust me, your contacts will be blown away by your thoughtfulness and attention to detail. Let’s check out an example:

Subject: Thank you from Nick @ Behavior 20/20

Hi Ellen,

Thank you for meeting with us and offering your guidance. We feel motivated to put your advice into practice!

We now have a better understanding of how to raise capital and pitch our vision to investors. In fact, we already reached out to Warren Buffett at Berkshire Hathaway.

Thanks again for your time and generosity. We hope to stay in touch and continue learning from you in the future.


Don’t Be Afraid To Add Humor

Let’s take a hot second to chat about how to turn your boring emails into ones with more personality than Beyonce. Adding details from the conversation is essential, but to build a human connection, you need to inject some humor into the mix. According to studies from Stanford University, a good laugh can actually lead to more success in business. So, don’t be afraid to loosen up a bit in your emails and add a little bit of playfulness.

Let’s see what happens when I insert a playful sentence into the previous email example:

Subject: Thank you from Nick @ Behavior 20/20

Hi Ellen,

Thank you for meeting with us and offering your guidance. We feel motivated to put your advice into practice.

We now have a better understanding of how to raise capital and pitch our vision to investors. In fact, we already reached out to Warren Buffett at Berkshire Hathaway.

I have to say, it’s not often that we have a conversation about investment strategy and stay alert the entire time!

Thanks again for your time and generosity. We hope to stay in touch and continue learning from you in the future.


Now doesn’t the bold line add personality? If you want to take your humor game to the next level, check out the book, “Humor, Seriously: Why Humor Is a Secret Weapon in Business and Life.” Trust me, it’s a game-changer.

Polishing Newsletter Emails

Let’s say you’ve made some major connections and want to keep them in the loop on your progress. I’ve got the perfect solution for you! Say hello to PaperStreet, the ultimate platform for organizing your newsletter in a neat and tidy way. With PaperStreet, all you have to do is plug in your updates, and voila — a beautifully organized newsletter is born. The email management tools also make it a breeze to send your message to numerous people at once.

Now, when it comes to crafting the perfect newsletter, there are seven key subjects you want to hit on.

  1. “Personal Note”
  2. 🙏 Asks
  3. 🏆 Achievements
  4. 🖥 Product
  5. 💲Sales & Marketing
  6. 🏋 Challenges
  7. 📈 KPIs

Fill each subject with the relevant information, and then use PaperStreet to organize the sections. Once that’s done, send the newsletter off to your future investors and customers.

Writing Faster With ChatGPT

I’m sure you’ve heard of ChatGPT by now. ChatGPT is changing the game for professionals looking to up their writing game and create content that resonates with their readers. The key to getting the most out of ChatGPT is to write out your message in your own voice first and then let ChatGPT sprinkle some magic on it.

Let’s not forget about tone — you want to keep things encouraging, professional, and playful. Nobody wants to receive a dull and lifeless email, am I right? If you really want to make an impact and boost those newsletter subscriptions, take a cue from the marketing guru himself, Neil Patel, and infuse your writing with some serious pizzazz. To maximize your use of ChatGPT, keep these five helpful commands in your back pocket to craft the perfect business email every time.

  1. Rephrase this email in the style of Neil Patel: “[insert email]”
  2. Rephrase this email but this time, add a sentence with a playful tone: “[insert email]”
  3. Give a few alternative sentences in a professional and playful tone and keep the meaning of this sentence: “[insert sentence]
  4. Give synonyms for the word “[insert word]”
  5. Give synonyms for the phrase “[insert phrase ]”

Sometimes you might need to use a command a few times to nail down the exact text you’re looking for — and that’s totally okay! To really supercharge your writing, don’t forget to mix in my top 5 ChatGPT commands for crafting killer content and social media posts. With ChatGPT by your side, you’ll get those creative juices flowing, captivate your readers, and save yourself some valuable time in the process.

Concluding Remarks

Boom! There you have it, my fellow productivity wizards — the ultimate keys to crafting flawless follow-up emails. With hundreds of thank-you notes, newsletters, and replies to write, you need a solid framework to keep you on track and in control. And, let’s face it, boring emails are a major buzzkill. That’s why ChatGPT is your secret weapon for injecting some serious personality into your messages and keeping your readers engaged.

Want more ChatGPT magic? Check out my article on the top five commands you need to know. As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to hit me up on Twitter or LinkedIn. Now, let’s get those professional emails flowing and put some pizzazz into our productivity!


