The best 31 things I taught Myself

3 min readSep 4, 2016

A quick reminded of the simple things we forget in our busy lives. about self-growth, self awareness and self love. In a quick and simple list of the things I learnt this year.

I started learning how to put myself before anyone else.

I learnt to not let people take advantage of me. Even when I didn’t care enough.

I decided not to let others see the disaster in me

before understanding it myself .

I learnt to depend on myself and no one else.

I learnt to ask my own opinion before anyone else’s.

I learnt to be weak,

I learnt to cry,

I learnt to give up and let go for no one but myself.

I learnt to not ruin myself for others.

I learnt to not stop my work to be available for others I learnt that there is a difference between those who care and stick with you and the ones that will leave the moment you do something wrong.

I learnt to know the difference.

I learnt to not hold my tongue back for someone else’s comfort.

I learnt to not stop myself just because someone else wants me to.

I learnt to not chop myself down and hand pieces of me to everyone around.




Writer. Poet and a Blogger at Being1nsane. Writing emotions through short stories, poems and write ups!