Take control over stress with breathing… and a little help from the LEAF.

4 min readJun 4, 2015

While we work, we often get so absorbed that we forget about everything else that’s going on around and inside us.

When this happens, especially when we’re under stress, we can lapse into shallow breathing. Shallow over-breathing or hyperventilation can prolong feelings of anxiety by making the physical symptoms of stress worse.

Controlling one’s breath can help improve these symptoms, but we often forget about that and make our productivity suffer and enjoy our days less.

We want to tell you how LEAF can help you better control stress and increase your focus with breathing exercises.

In the process of designing the LEAF we calibrated the hardware to track breathing through measuring motion and let the app guide you through goal-oriented breathing exercises, which is something other wearables don’t really do.

Even though you may feel like the stress in your life is out of control, you can always control the way you respond to or manage it. Managing stress is all about taking charge of your thoughts, emotions, schedule, your environment, and the way you deal with problems.

Stress management involves changing a stressful situation for the better when possible and making time for more rest and relaxation. It’s a little harder, though, to achieve it than it seems at first. You have to start doing these changes at some point, and the LEAF can actually help you start making these baby steps on the way to controlling stress and regaining focus when you most need it. When we’re under stress the first symptoms usually show up in the change of our breathing rhythm and depth. We’re not relaxed, which doesn’t really help us in calming our mind. One of the biggest problems this causes is not being able to focus and being less productive, which makes us feel even worse. We have to give it a little kick and actively engage in the process of regaining control over stress. With the LEAF we really wanted to create a way for you to be able to achieve that state of control, with short exercises, so that you can then focus on important things in your life.

The LEAF placed as a clip on your waist to guide you through the breathing exercise.

It’s very easy to use. First you have to place the LEAF in the appropriate way and then choose a particular breathing exercise to achieve your goal. We’ve designed specific exercises for different situations you may find yourself in. With these exercises you can calm your body and mind before going to sleep, so you get the most out of your bed time. You can do an exercise before an important meeting to maximize your ability to focus or just have a quality break before you get back to work, or if your kids are giving you a hard time ☺. Sometimes all you need is to just take a deep breath, repeat it a few times, and you’re good to go.

LEAF can not only help you recognize stressful situations, but also guide you through exercises to overcome them and regain your precious focus. There is so much more to track when it comes to a woman’s health than just jogging and sleeping, and that’s why we thought it was very important to develop a product that can do a little bit more. We hope you enjoy using it. For more information visit us anytime at www.bellabeat.com. If you would like to know what Bellabeat cofounder Urska Srsen says about the importance of tracking more than just your activity visit http://readwrite.com/2015/04/28/urska-srsen-bellabeat-wearable-world-congress.

