Rachel Darnall
1 min readJan 27, 2017


I disagree with many of the conclusions you make but I respect the nerdiness and thought that went into reaching them. You and Leslie Loftis are completely ruining TFA for me. It took me two viewings before I made the choice to like that movie. It’s all being undone.

Your “bring George back” is a daring proposition. I maintain that Empire Strikes Back was the best Star Wars film ever made, and it was the one he had the least input in. So there’s that. And yet … Star Wars. It’s as you say: you can’t divorce Star Wars from George Lucas. I would be up for bringing him on if he had some strict handlers. But I fear it would be like King Kong — we would try to control him, but he would inevitably break loose and stomp around the city spewing horrifyingly bad love scene dialogue and CGI comic relief characters that we’ll never stop trying to forget.



Rachel Darnall

Christian, wife, mom, writer. Writing “Daughters of Sarah,” a book on women and Christian liberty.