Digital Mexico

2 min readNov 14, 2017


Without a doubt, being acknowledged by our government is a strong incentive to the work we do on a daily basis. Today, members of our team (Paco, Alejandro and Hugo) met with Yolanda Martínez who is responsible for leading all project initiatives involved in Blockchain technology within the EDN.

What is the EDN?

“The National Digital Strategy (EDN) is the action plan that we are implementing to build a Digital Mexico, in which technology and innovation contribute to achieving our country’s great development goals.”

This collaboration was sparked during “Blockchain Evolution”, an unofficial Devcon 3 party which we sponsored in Cancun at the beginning of the month. We are taking the first steps towards positioning us as key players on the digital map of Mexico.

The EDN is backed by a number of developmental fronts for Digital Mexico including: Connectivity (+101 million public connection sites), Digital Knowledge and Inclusion (+430 million users linked to Connect Mexico), Interoperability of Digital Identity (+ 9 million technology projects chosen), Open Data (+26 million databases published), among others.

According to a survey done by the World Economic Forum, Mexico is one of the most advanced countries in Latin America in regards to Digital Technology. However, we are still faced with many challenges that do not allow growth. Lack of investment, doubt, and lack of training are generating this stall in our tech industry.

Alejandro Raffaele, Managing Director of Red Hat Mexico confirmed in his speech that “digital transformation is a combination of forces, talents, technology, vision and strategy. Without a doubt, the way companies operate and do business is changing. To face these changes and take advantage of the possibilities of technological development, we must unite the capacities and creativity of individuals.”

Here at Beluga, we are aware of the challenges we face as a company and as a country. We do hope that this meeting is another important step in order to create a more successful digital development in our country.

