Update: Official $BBI Airdrop Guide for June 2018

2 min readJun 15, 2018


Each BBI will receive a new ERC-20 token on a 1:1 basis

We are excited to announce that the Decentralized Exchange we are developing has major functional parts working, such as trading, depositing and withdrawal — all using smart contracts on the Ethereum Mainnet.

We expect to have a closed beta of the exchange next month. Users who hold BBIs will have priority access.

Isn’t building an exchange a distraction for Beluga Pay?

We get this question a lot. However, we are following the plan that we described in our whitepaper. Beluga Pay developing its own exchange enables deeper links to trade execution and new trading pairs. We believe this is extremely important in facilitating merchants with faster and more flexible options.

Due to overwhelming questions and support tickets regarding the BBI Airdrop it will be postponed until June 27th, 2018 at Noon Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5). Please follow the instructions below, mark your calendars, as their will be no possible way for us to issue additional tokens to those who did not complete the following instruction below on time.

In order to participate in the BBI-Airdrop you must:

  • Move your BBI tokens into MyEtherWallet
  • Have them there on June 27th at Noon Eastern Standard Time
  • There will be no exceptions to this rule

We will conduct a snapshot of the BBIs held in their respective wallets, then shortly thereafter make a distribution to the addresses that were collected on the snapshot on how to add them to your MyEtherWallet. Once the distribution occurs we will release an official statement on the new ERC-20 token along with details (contract address, decimals and name) along with specifics regarding the Decentralized Exchange and how to participate in the beta.

Thank you for supporting Beluga Pay’s mission of helping the unbanked. Please help us share this message and give us a clap!

