Photo Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Trends in iOS App Design

Thinking in Layers

5 min readSep 8, 2017


Apple has revised the user experience of some of their native applications and introduced new interaction patterns that may be relevant to your designs.

Quick Summary

In the course of dissecting the interaction patterns of the Apple’s App Store and Airbnb’s mobile app I’ve documented some new interaction patterns in iOS that dispenses with the static page model and introduces a layered approach in which full bleed panels, UI elements, and action sheets stack on top of one another changing the way we navigate through content.

App Store

Editorial Feed

Apple’s App Store takes an editorial approach to content offering daily updates that promote individual apps and collections of apps organized by theme and category.

With the shift to a daily format, the home screen organizes apps into a long scrolling news feed.

Single apps or groups of apps are displayed in graphically rich cards.




Ben Olson

Ben Olson is a Brooklyn based designer committed to delivering meaningful, user-centered experiences that educate and inspire.