
Net Neutrality

Yes, I have to be political again

Ben Stokman
OneTwentyEight Blog


The FCC is voting whether or not to enforce net neutrality on July 20th.

Is this really a question that needs to be asked? Net neutrality is, as I argued in my previous post, a regulation that does not harm the consumer, but keeps the consumer from being harmed.

What is net neutrality?

Net neutrality is the principle that all services on the internet must be treated equally, no service getting better or worse treatment. Net neutrality keeps internet service providers from slowing down other services, and giving the services that they get monetary benefit from a faster lane, and annoy their customers into using them.

There are also other important reasons why net neutrality should be enforced. ISPs are able to see all of the traffic that goes through them. Unless you know a lot about protecting your privacy on the internet, your ISP is most likely able to see what you are doing. Even services like TOR and VPN have their flaws, Unless your VPN supports encrypted DNS; your ISP can see what websites you connect to.

Ma Bell Logo

The FCC is arguing that the internet is not their place because the internet is new, and the rule that net neutrality is under is meant to limit the ma bell monopoly. However, by that logic, the FCC has no place to limit television. And if the rule actually does not fit, fix it so it does fit.

Net Neutrality Strike

DuckDuckGo, Mozilla, Pornhub, Amazon, OkCupid, Kickstarter, Reddit, Easy, GitHub, Vimeo, Y Combinator, Netflix, BitTorrent, Free press,, ACLU, Creative Commons, and others have all publicly announced their support for net neutrality.

This post serves to announce that I will be joining that group, and will be shutting my websites down from July 15th to , and display the text:

Sorry, this small website that cannot pay us is not included in your very expensive plan. Upgrade your plan for only $25 a month today to have access to more websites!

This is what the internet could be without net neutrality.

