Digital Camera

2 min readMay 15, 2016
Sony DSC-W830 Price

The definition of a digital camera

The camera is a digital camera that does not require film. However, using an electronic device called a sensor receives light through processing of digital images. Saved in a file in the recording media inside the camera. Which can be forwarded to a computer. To decorate with various programs I printed out a picture or send over the Internet. And use them in other ways. A variety On the surface of the image sensor is divided into small sections called pixels (Pixel) which each pixel records one pixel on the tightly packed together multiple images to become visible.

This type of camera is divided into two categories based on international principles. Based on the applications and features of the camera.

1. Compact Camera
Sony DSC-W830 Price Compact digital cameras are portable, convenient, easy to use, suitable for general photography. No Interchangeable Lens Has finished shooting modes such as Portrait Mode. Photo views Photography, flowers, etc., but some models have a digital SLR camera with a similar mode as A S M mode, but there are limits to adjust the aperture. And shutter speed Users may sometimes be mistaken for a digital camera DSLR.

2. single-lens reflex camera, or D-SLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera).
A digital camera is larger than a digital compact. Due to the size of a higher quality image processor bigger. A mode of operation covers all shooting modes. Interchangeable Lens Adjustable settings Support for photography amateurs to professionals. To image the purposes of the D-SLR cameras use film cameras work like an SLR viewfinder when the user looks through the lens really look like.

How to buy a digital camera

Tricks and Things to Know for digital camera users

