Free to readWhat’s that you do on your spare time. To often bad habits turn to hobbies. We find ourselves overwhelmed with the consistency of life…Jan 11, 2022Jan 11, 2022
Culture As We Know It, Or as it knows UsAlthough it may be plausible to identify diversity among modern societies, there are similarities that are shared culturally across various…Dec 14, 2021Dec 14, 2021
The Importance Of LinguisticsLinguistic in itself is said to be the purefield aspect of the whole idea of language. Linguistic is related to the interest in the sounds…Dec 7, 2021Dec 7, 2021
The Inevitability Of Emerging AdulthoodAs children we are encouraged to dream big. “we can be anything we want to be” is a phase we’ve all heard often times before. Magical…Dec 6, 2021Dec 6, 2021
School Shooter FearParents across the nation are in fear of their children’s lives when sending them to school. The common practice and proceedings of…Nov 22, 2021Nov 22, 2021
Dealing With Stress!!Ever since I was younger i was trying to find an effective way to deal with stress. This seems to be everyone’s issue at some point in…Nov 22, 2021Nov 22, 2021
Alcohol AddictionMe personally, I’ve witnessed the devastating consequences of alcohol abuse. On too many occasions I have watched as close companions of…Nov 4, 20211Nov 4, 20211
I wish I could make up for this dream that i once had..I feel like I owe a little to dead hopes and canceled plans.Oct 24, 2021Oct 24, 2021
Dear, I Love You,Every time i brought you up was on days I dazed into her eyes amazed. and brave and you made me feel like I was on top of the worldOct 24, 2021Oct 24, 2021